Source code for stellar_sdk.xdr.contract_cost_type

# This is an automatically generated file.
# DO NOT EDIT or your changes may be overwritten
from __future__ import annotations

import base64
from enum import IntEnum

from xdrlib3 import Packer, Unpacker

__all__ = ["ContractCostType"]

[docs] class ContractCostType(IntEnum): """ XDR Source Code:: enum ContractCostType { // Cost of running 1 wasm instruction WasmInsnExec = 0, // Cost of growing wasm linear memory by 1 page WasmMemAlloc = 1, // Cost of allocating a chuck of host memory (in bytes) HostMemAlloc = 2, // Cost of copying a chuck of bytes into a pre-allocated host memory HostMemCpy = 3, // Cost of comparing two slices of host memory HostMemCmp = 4, // Cost of a host function invocation, not including the actual work done by the function InvokeHostFunction = 5, // Cost of visiting a host object from the host object storage // Only thing to make sure is the guest can't visitObject repeatly without incurring some charges elsewhere. VisitObject = 6, // Tracks a single Val (RawVal or primative Object like U64) <=> ScVal // conversion cost. Most of these Val counterparts in ScVal (except e.g. // Symbol) consumes a single int64 and therefore is a constant overhead. ValXdrConv = 7, // Cost of serializing an xdr object to bytes ValSer = 8, // Cost of deserializing an xdr object from bytes ValDeser = 9, // Cost of computing the sha256 hash from bytes ComputeSha256Hash = 10, // Cost of computing the ed25519 pubkey from bytes ComputeEd25519PubKey = 11, // Cost of accessing an entry in a Map. MapEntry = 12, // Cost of accessing an entry in a Vec VecEntry = 13, // Cost of guarding a frame, which involves pushing and poping a frame and capturing a rollback point. GuardFrame = 14, // Cost of verifying ed25519 signature of a payload. VerifyEd25519Sig = 15, // Cost of reading a slice of vm linear memory VmMemRead = 16, // Cost of writing to a slice of vm linear memory VmMemWrite = 17, // Cost of instantiation a VM from wasm bytes code. VmInstantiation = 18, // Cost of instantiation a VM from a cached state. VmCachedInstantiation = 19, // Roundtrip cost of invoking a VM function from the host. InvokeVmFunction = 20, // Cost of charging a value to the budgeting system. ChargeBudget = 21, // Cost of computing a keccak256 hash from bytes. ComputeKeccak256Hash = 22, // Cost of computing an ECDSA secp256k1 pubkey from bytes. ComputeEcdsaSecp256k1Key = 23, // Cost of computing an ECDSA secp256k1 signature from bytes. ComputeEcdsaSecp256k1Sig = 24, // Cost of recovering an ECDSA secp256k1 key from a signature. RecoverEcdsaSecp256k1Key = 25, // Cost of int256 addition (`+`) and subtraction (`-`) operations Int256AddSub = 26, // Cost of int256 multiplication (`*`) operation Int256Mul = 27, // Cost of int256 division (`/`) operation Int256Div = 28, // Cost of int256 power (`exp`) operation Int256Pow = 29, // Cost of int256 shift (`shl`, `shr`) operation Int256Shift = 30 }; """ WasmInsnExec = 0 WasmMemAlloc = 1 HostMemAlloc = 2 HostMemCpy = 3 HostMemCmp = 4 InvokeHostFunction = 5 VisitObject = 6 ValXdrConv = 7 ValSer = 8 ValDeser = 9 ComputeSha256Hash = 10 ComputeEd25519PubKey = 11 MapEntry = 12 VecEntry = 13 GuardFrame = 14 VerifyEd25519Sig = 15 VmMemRead = 16 VmMemWrite = 17 VmInstantiation = 18 VmCachedInstantiation = 19 InvokeVmFunction = 20 ChargeBudget = 21 ComputeKeccak256Hash = 22 ComputeEcdsaSecp256k1Key = 23 ComputeEcdsaSecp256k1Sig = 24 RecoverEcdsaSecp256k1Key = 25 Int256AddSub = 26 Int256Mul = 27 Int256Div = 28 Int256Pow = 29 Int256Shift = 30 def pack(self, packer: Packer) -> None: packer.pack_int(self.value) @classmethod def unpack(cls, unpacker: Unpacker) -> ContractCostType: value = unpacker.unpack_int() return cls(value) def to_xdr_bytes(self) -> bytes: packer = Packer() self.pack(packer) return packer.get_buffer() @classmethod def from_xdr_bytes(cls, xdr: bytes) -> ContractCostType: unpacker = Unpacker(xdr) return cls.unpack(unpacker) def to_xdr(self) -> str: xdr_bytes = self.to_xdr_bytes() return base64.b64encode(xdr_bytes).decode() @classmethod def from_xdr(cls, xdr: str) -> ContractCostType: xdr_bytes = base64.b64decode(xdr.encode()) return cls.from_xdr_bytes(xdr_bytes)