Source code for stellar_sdk.sep.stellar_toml

SEP: 0001
Title: stellar.toml
Status: Active
Created: 2017-10-30
Updated: 2019-06-12
Version: 2.1.0
from typing import Any, MutableMapping

import toml

from ..client.aiohttp_client import AiohttpClient
from ..client.base_async_client import BaseAsyncClient
from ..client.base_sync_client import BaseSyncClient
from ..client.requests_client import RequestsClient
from ..client.response import Response
from ..type_checked import type_checked
from .exceptions import StellarTomlNotFoundError

__all__ = ["fetch_stellar_toml", "fetch_stellar_toml_async"]

[docs]@type_checked def fetch_stellar_toml( domain: str, client: BaseSyncClient = None, use_http: bool = False, ) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]: """Retrieve the stellar.toml file from a given domain. Retrieve the stellar.toml file for information about interacting with Stellar's federation protocol for a given Stellar Anchor (specified by a domain). :param domain: The domain the .toml file is hosted at. :param use_http: Specifies whether the request should go over plain HTTP vs HTTPS. Note it is recommend that you **always** use HTTPS. :param client: Http Client used to send the request. :return: The stellar.toml file as an object via :func:`toml.loads`. :raises: :exc:`StellarTomlNotFoundError <stellar_sdk.sep.exceptions.StellarTomlNotFoundError>`: if the Stellar toml file could not not be found. """ if not client: client = RequestsClient() url = _build_request_url(domain, use_http) raw_resp = client.get(url) return _handle_raw_response(raw_resp)
[docs]@type_checked async def fetch_stellar_toml_async( domain: str, client: BaseAsyncClient = None, use_http: bool = False, ) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]: """Retrieve the stellar.toml file from a given domain. Retrieve the stellar.toml file for information about interacting with Stellar's federation protocol for a given Stellar Anchor (specified by a domain). :param domain: The domain the .toml file is hosted at. :param use_http: Specifies whether the request should go over plain HTTP vs HTTPS. Note it is recommend that you **always** use HTTPS. :param client: Http Client used to send the request. :return: The stellar.toml file as an object via :func:`toml.loads`. :raises: :exc:`StellarTomlNotFoundError <stellar_sdk.sep.exceptions.StellarTomlNotFoundError>`: if the Stellar toml file could not not be found. """ if not client: client = AiohttpClient() url = _build_request_url(domain, use_http) raw_resp = await client.get(url) return _handle_raw_response(raw_resp)
def _handle_raw_response(raw_resp: Response) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]: if raw_resp.status_code == 404: raise StellarTomlNotFoundError resp = raw_resp.text return toml.loads(resp) def _build_request_url(domain: str, use_http: bool = False) -> str: toml_link = "/.well-known/stellar.toml" protocol = "https://" if use_http: protocol = "http://" url = protocol + domain + toml_link return url