Source code for stellar_sdk.xdr.path_payment_strict_receive_result_success

# This is an automatically generated file.
# DO NOT EDIT or your changes may be overwritten
import base64
from typing import List
from xdrlib import Packer, Unpacker

from ..exceptions import ValueError
from ..type_checked import type_checked
from .claim_atom import ClaimAtom
from .simple_payment_result import SimplePaymentResult

__all__ = ["PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultSuccess"]

[docs]@type_checked class PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultSuccess: """ XDR Source Code:: struct { ClaimAtom offers<>; SimplePaymentResult last; } """ def __init__( self, offers: List[ClaimAtom], last: SimplePaymentResult, ) -> None: if offers and len(offers) > 4294967295: raise ValueError( f"The maximum length of `offers` should be 4294967295, but got {len(offers)}." ) self.offers = offers self.last = last def pack(self, packer: Packer) -> None: packer.pack_uint(len(self.offers)) for offer in self.offers: offer.pack(packer) self.last.pack(packer) @classmethod def unpack(cls, unpacker: Unpacker) -> "PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultSuccess": length = unpacker.unpack_uint() offers = [] for _ in range(length): offers.append(ClaimAtom.unpack(unpacker)) last = SimplePaymentResult.unpack(unpacker) return cls( offers=offers, last=last, ) def to_xdr_bytes(self) -> bytes: packer = Packer() self.pack(packer) return packer.get_buffer() @classmethod def from_xdr_bytes(cls, xdr: bytes) -> "PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultSuccess": unpacker = Unpacker(xdr) return cls.unpack(unpacker) def to_xdr(self) -> str: xdr_bytes = self.to_xdr_bytes() return base64.b64encode(xdr_bytes).decode() @classmethod def from_xdr(cls, xdr: str) -> "PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultSuccess": xdr_bytes = base64.b64decode(xdr.encode()) return cls.from_xdr_bytes(xdr_bytes) def __eq__(self, other: object): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return self.offers == other.offers and self.last == other.last def __str__(self): out = [ f"offers={self.offers}", f"last={self.last}", ] return f"<PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultSuccess {[', '.join(out)]}>"