Source code for stellar_sdk.operation.set_options

import warnings
from enum import IntFlag
from typing import Optional, Union

from .. import xdr as stellar_xdr
from ..keypair import Keypair
from ..muxed_account import MuxedAccount
from ..signer import Signer
from ..strkey import StrKey
from ..type_checked import type_checked
from ..utils import raise_if_not_valid_ed25519_public_key
from .operation import Operation

__all__ = ["AuthorizationFlag", "SetOptions"]

[docs]class AuthorizationFlag(IntFlag): """Indicates which flags to set. For details about the flags, please refer to the `Control Access to an Asset - Flag <>`__. """ AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED = 1 AUTHORIZATION_REVOCABLE = 2 AUTHORIZATION_IMMUTABLE = 4 AUTHORIZATION_CLAWBACK_ENABLED = 8
[docs]@type_checked class SetOptions(Operation): """The :class:`SetOptions` object, which represents a SetOptions operation on Stellar's network. This operation sets the options for an account. For more information on the signing options, please refer to the `multi-sig doc <>`_. When updating signers or other thresholds, the threshold of this operation is high. Threshold: Medium or High See `Set Options <>`_ for more information. :param inflation_dest: Account of the inflation destination. :param clear_flags: Indicates which flags to clear. For details about the flags, please refer to the `Control Access to an Asset - Flag <>`__. The `bit mask <>`_ integer subtracts from the existing flags of the account. This allows for setting specific bits without knowledge of existing flags, you can also use :class:`stellar_sdk.operation.set_options.AuthorizationFlag` * AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED = 1 * AUTHORIZATION_REVOCABLE = 2 * AUTHORIZATION_IMMUTABLE = 4 * AUTHORIZATION_CLAWBACK_ENABLED = 8 :param set_flags: Indicates which flags to set. For details about the flags, please refer to the `Control Access to an Asset - Flag <>`__. The bit mask integer adds onto the existing flags of the account. This allows for setting specific bits without knowledge of existing flags, you can also use :class:`stellar_sdk.operation.set_options.AuthorizationFlag` * AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED = 1 * AUTHORIZATION_REVOCABLE = 2 * AUTHORIZATION_IMMUTABLE = 4 * AUTHORIZATION_CLAWBACK_ENABLED = 8 :param master_weight: A number from 0-255 (inclusive) representing the weight of the master key. If the weight of the master key is updated to 0, it is effectively disabled. :param low_threshold: A number from 0-255 (inclusive) representing the threshold this account sets on all operations it performs that have `a low threshold <>`_. :param med_threshold: A number from 0-255 (inclusive) representing the threshold this account sets on all operations it performs that have `a medium threshold <>`_. :param high_threshold: A number from 0-255 (inclusive) representing the threshold this account sets on all operations it performs that have `a high threshold <>`_. :param home_domain: sets the home domain used for reverse `federation <>`_ lookup. :param signer: Add, update, or remove a signer from the account. :param source: The source account for the operation. Defaults to the transaction's source account. """ _XDR_OPERATION_TYPE: stellar_xdr.OperationType = ( stellar_xdr.OperationType.SET_OPTIONS ) def __init__( self, inflation_dest: str = None, clear_flags: Union[int, AuthorizationFlag] = None, set_flags: Union[int, AuthorizationFlag] = None, master_weight: int = None, low_threshold: int = None, med_threshold: int = None, high_threshold: int = None, signer: Signer = None, home_domain: str = None, source: Optional[Union[MuxedAccount, str]] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(source) if set_flags is not None and not isinstance(set_flags, AuthorizationFlag): warnings.warn( "`set_flags` is a int, we recommend using AuthorizationFlag.", DeprecationWarning, ) set_flags = AuthorizationFlag(set_flags) if clear_flags is not None and not isinstance(clear_flags, AuthorizationFlag): warnings.warn( "`clear_flags` is a int, we recommend using AuthorizationFlag.", DeprecationWarning, ) clear_flags = AuthorizationFlag(clear_flags) self.inflation_dest = inflation_dest self.clear_flags: Optional[AuthorizationFlag] = clear_flags self.set_flags: Optional[AuthorizationFlag] = set_flags self.master_weight: Optional[int] = master_weight self.low_threshold: Optional[int] = low_threshold self.med_threshold: Optional[int] = med_threshold self.high_threshold: Optional[int] = high_threshold self.home_domain: Optional[str] = home_domain self.signer: Optional[Signer] = signer if self.inflation_dest is not None: raise_if_not_valid_ed25519_public_key(self.inflation_dest, "inflation_dest") def _to_operation_body(self) -> stellar_xdr.OperationBody: inflation_dest = ( Keypair.from_public_key(self.inflation_dest).xdr_account_id() if self.inflation_dest is not None else None ) home_domain = ( stellar_xdr.String32(bytes(self.home_domain, encoding="utf-8")) if self.home_domain is not None else None ) clear_flags = ( None if self.clear_flags is None else stellar_xdr.Uint32(self.clear_flags.value) ) set_flags = ( None if self.set_flags is None else stellar_xdr.Uint32(self.set_flags.value) ) master_weight = ( None if self.master_weight is None else stellar_xdr.Uint32(self.master_weight) ) low_threshold = ( None if self.low_threshold is None else stellar_xdr.Uint32(self.low_threshold) ) med_threshold = ( None if self.med_threshold is None else stellar_xdr.Uint32(self.med_threshold) ) high_threshold = ( None if self.high_threshold is None else stellar_xdr.Uint32(self.high_threshold) ) signer = None if self.signer is None else self.signer.to_xdr_object() set_options_op = stellar_xdr.SetOptionsOp( inflation_dest, clear_flags, set_flags, master_weight, low_threshold, med_threshold, high_threshold, home_domain, signer, ) body = stellar_xdr.OperationBody( type=self._XDR_OPERATION_TYPE, set_options_op=set_options_op ) return body
[docs] @classmethod def from_xdr_object(cls, xdr_object) -> "SetOptions": """Creates a :class:`SetOptions` object from an XDR Operation object. """ source = Operation.get_source_from_xdr_obj(xdr_object) inflation_dest = None if xdr_object.body.set_options_op.inflation_dest: inflation_dest = StrKey.encode_ed25519_public_key( xdr_object.body.set_options_op.inflation_dest.account_id.ed25519.uint256 ) clear_flags_xdr = xdr_object.body.set_options_op.clear_flags set_flags_xdr = xdr_object.body.set_options_op.set_flags master_weight_xdr = xdr_object.body.set_options_op.master_weight low_threshold_xdr = xdr_object.body.set_options_op.low_threshold med_threshold_xdr = xdr_object.body.set_options_op.med_threshold high_threshold_xdr = xdr_object.body.set_options_op.high_threshold home_domain_xdr = xdr_object.body.set_options_op.home_domain signer_xdr_object = xdr_object.body.set_options_op.signer clear_flags = None if clear_flags_xdr is None else clear_flags_xdr.uint32 set_flags = None if set_flags_xdr is None else set_flags_xdr.uint32 master_weight = None if master_weight_xdr is None else master_weight_xdr.uint32 low_threshold = None if low_threshold_xdr is None else low_threshold_xdr.uint32 med_threshold = None if med_threshold_xdr is None else med_threshold_xdr.uint32 high_threshold = ( None if high_threshold_xdr is None else high_threshold_xdr.uint32 ) home_domain = None if home_domain_xdr is None else home_domain_xdr.string32 signer = ( None if signer_xdr_object is None else Signer.from_xdr_object(signer_xdr_object) ) if home_domain is not None: home_domain = home_domain.decode("utf-8") op = cls( inflation_dest=inflation_dest, clear_flags=clear_flags, set_flags=set_flags, master_weight=master_weight, low_threshold=low_threshold, med_threshold=med_threshold, high_threshold=high_threshold, home_domain=home_domain, signer=signer, source=source, ) return op
def __str__(self): return ( f"<SetOptions [inflation_dest={self.inflation_dest}, " f"clear_flags={self.clear_flags}, " f"set_flags={self.set_flags}, " f"master_weight={self.master_weight}, " f"low_threshold={self.low_threshold}, " f"med_threshold={self.med_threshold}, " f"high_threshold={self.high_threshold}, " f"signer={self.signer}, " f"home_domain={self.home_domain}, " f"source={self.source}]>" )