Source code for stellar_sdk.sep.federation

SEP: 0002
Title: Federation protocol
Status: Final
Created: 2017-10-30
Updated: 2019-10-10
Version 1.1.0
from typing import Any, Coroutine, Dict, Optional, Union

from ..client.base_async_client import BaseAsyncClient
from ..client.base_sync_client import BaseSyncClient
from ..client.requests_client import RequestsClient
from ..client.response import Response
from ..exceptions import ValueError
from .exceptions import (
from .stellar_toml import fetch_stellar_toml


[docs]class FederationRecord: def __init__(self, account_id, stellar_address, memo_type, memo): """The :class:`FederationRecord`, which represents record in federation server. :param account_id: Stellar public key / account ID :param stellar_address: Stellar address :param memo_type: Type of memo to attach to transaction, one of *text*, *id* or *hash* :param memo: value of memo to attach to transaction, for *hash* this should be base64-encoded. This field should always be of type *string* (even when ``memo_type`` is equal *id*) to support parsing value in languages that don't support big numbers. """ self.account_id: str = account_id self.stellar_address: str = stellar_address self.memo_type: Optional[str] = memo_type self.memo: Optional[str] = memo def __str__(self): return ( f"<FederationRecord [account_id={self.account_id}, stellar_address={self.stellar_address}, " f"memo_type={self.memo_type}, memo={self.memo}]>" ) def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented # pragma: no cover return ( self.account_id == other.account_id and self.stellar_address == other.stellar_address and self.memo_type == other.memo_type and self.memo == other.memo )
[docs]def resolve_stellar_address( stellar_address: str, client: Union[BaseAsyncClient, BaseSyncClient] = None, federation_url: str = None, use_http: bool = False, ) -> Union[Coroutine[Any, Any, FederationRecord], FederationRecord]: """Get the federation record if the user was found for a given Stellar address. :param stellar_address: address Stellar address (ex. bob* :param client: Http Client used to send the request. :param federation_url: The federation server URL (ex. ``), if you don't set this value, we will try to get it from ``stellar_address``. :param use_http: Specifies whether the request should go over plain HTTP vs HTTPS. Note it is recommend that you *always* use HTTPS. :return: Federation record. """ if not client: client = RequestsClient() if isinstance(client, BaseAsyncClient): return __resolve_stellar_address_async( stellar_address, client, federation_url, use_http ) elif isinstance(client, BaseSyncClient): return __resolve_stellar_address_sync( stellar_address, client, federation_url, use_http ) else: raise TypeError( "This `client` class should be an instance " "of `stellar_sdk.client.base_async_client.BaseAsyncClient` " "or `stellar_sdk.client.base_sync_client.BaseSyncClient`." )
[docs]def resolve_account_id( account_id: str, domain: str = None, federation_url: str = None, client: Union[BaseAsyncClient, BaseSyncClient] = None, use_http: bool = False, ) -> Union[Coroutine[Any, Any, FederationRecord], FederationRecord]: """Given an account ID, get their federation record if the user was found :param account_id: Account ID (ex. GBYNR2QJXLBCBTRN44MRORCMI4YO7FZPFBCNOKTOBCAAFC7KC3LNPRYS) :param domain: Get ``federation_url`` from the domain, you don't need to set this value if ``federation_url`` is set. :param federation_url: The federation server URL (ex. :param client: Http Client used to send the request. :param use_http: Specifies whether the request should go over plain HTTP vs HTTPS. Note it is recommend that you *always* use HTTPS. :return: Federation record. """ if domain is None and federation_url is None: raise ValueError("You should provide either `domain` or `federation_url`.") if not client: client = RequestsClient() if isinstance(client, BaseAsyncClient): return __resolve_account_id_async( account_id, domain, federation_url, client, use_http ) elif isinstance(client, BaseSyncClient): return __resolve_account_id_sync( account_id, domain, federation_url, client, use_http ) else: raise TypeError( "This `client` class should be an instance " "of `stellar_sdk.client.base_async_client.BaseAsyncClient` " "or `stellar_sdk.client.base_sync_client.BaseSyncClient`." )
def __resolve_stellar_address_sync( stellar_address: str, client: BaseSyncClient, federation_url: str = None, use_http: bool = False, ) -> FederationRecord: parts = split_stellar_address(stellar_address) domain = parts["domain"] if federation_url is None: federation_url = fetch_stellar_toml(domain, use_http=use_http).get( # type: ignore[union-attr] FEDERATION_SERVER_KEY ) if federation_url is None: raise FederationServerNotFoundError( f"Unable to find federation server at {domain}." ) raw_resp = client.get(federation_url, {"type": "name", "q": stellar_address}) return __handle_raw_response(raw_resp, stellar_address=stellar_address) async def __resolve_stellar_address_async( stellar_address: str, client: BaseAsyncClient, federation_url: str = None, use_http: bool = False, ) -> FederationRecord: parts = split_stellar_address(stellar_address) domain = parts["domain"] if federation_url is None: federation_url = ( await fetch_stellar_toml(domain, client=client, use_http=use_http) # type: ignore[misc] ).get(FEDERATION_SERVER_KEY) if federation_url is None: raise FederationServerNotFoundError( f"Unable to find federation server at {domain}." ) raw_resp = await client.get(federation_url, {"type": "name", "q": stellar_address}) return __handle_raw_response(raw_resp, stellar_address=stellar_address) def __resolve_account_id_sync( account_id: str, domain: str = None, federation_url: str = None, client=None, use_http: bool = False, ) -> FederationRecord: if domain is not None: federation_url = fetch_stellar_toml(domain, client, use_http).get( # type: ignore[union-attr] FEDERATION_SERVER_KEY ) if federation_url is None: raise FederationServerNotFoundError( f"Unable to find federation server at {domain}." ) raw_resp = client.get(federation_url, {"type": "id", "q": account_id}) return __handle_raw_response(raw_resp, account_id=account_id) async def __resolve_account_id_async( account_id: str, domain: str = None, federation_url: str = None, client=None, use_http: bool = False, ) -> FederationRecord: if domain is not None: federation_url = (await fetch_stellar_toml(domain, client, use_http)).get( # type: ignore[misc] FEDERATION_SERVER_KEY ) if federation_url is None: raise FederationServerNotFoundError( f"Unable to find federation server at {domain}." ) raw_resp = await client.get(federation_url, {"type": "id", "q": account_id}) return __handle_raw_response(raw_resp, account_id=account_id) def __handle_raw_response( raw_resp: Response, stellar_address=None, account_id=None ) -> FederationRecord: if not 200 <= raw_resp.status_code < 300: raise BadFederationResponseError(raw_resp) data = raw_resp.json() account_id = account_id or data.get("account_id") stellar_address = stellar_address or data.get("stellar_address") memo_type = data.get("memo_type") memo = data.get("memo") return FederationRecord( account_id=account_id, stellar_address=stellar_address, memo_type=memo_type, memo=memo, ) def split_stellar_address(address: str) -> Dict[str, str]: parts = address.split(SEPARATOR) if len(parts) != 2: raise InvalidFederationAddress( "Address should be a valid address, such as `bob*`" ) name, domain = parts return {"name": name, "domain": domain}