Source code for stellar_sdk.operation.path_payment_strict_send

from decimal import Decimal
from typing import List, Union

from .operation import Operation
from .utils import check_amount, check_ed25519_public_key
from ..asset import Asset
from ..keypair import Keypair
from ..utils import parse_ed25519_account_id_from_muxed_account_xdr_object
from ..xdr import Xdr

[docs]class PathPaymentStrictSend(Operation): """The :class:`PathPaymentStrictSend` object, which represents a PathPaymentStrictSend operation on Stellar's network. Sends an amount in a specific asset to a destination account through a path of offers. This allows the asset sent (e.g, 450 XLM) to be different from the asset received (e.g, 6 BTC). Threshold: Medium :param destination: The destination account to send to. :param send_asset: The asset to pay with. :param send_amount: Amount of send_asset to send. :param dest_asset: The asset the destination will receive. :param dest_min: The minimum amount of dest_asset to be received. :param path: A list of Asset objects to use as the path. :param source: The source account for the payment. Defaults to the transaction's source account. """ def __init__( self, destination: str, send_asset: Asset, send_amount: Union[str, Decimal], dest_asset: Asset, dest_min: Union[str, Decimal], path: List[Asset], source: str = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(source) check_amount(send_amount) check_amount(dest_min) check_ed25519_public_key(destination) self.destination: str = destination self.send_asset: Asset = send_asset self.send_amount: Union[str, Decimal] = send_amount self.dest_asset: Asset = dest_asset self.dest_min: Union[str, Decimal] = dest_min self.path: List[Asset] = path # a list of paths/assets @classmethod def type_code(cls) -> int: return Xdr.const.PATH_PAYMENT_STRICT_SEND def _to_operation_body(self) -> Xdr.nullclass: destination = Keypair.from_public_key(self.destination).xdr_muxed_account() send_asset = self.send_asset.to_xdr_object() dest_asset = self.dest_asset.to_xdr_object() path = [asset.to_xdr_object() for asset in self.path] path_payment_strice_send_op = Xdr.types.PathPaymentStrictSendOp( send_asset, Operation.to_xdr_amount(self.send_amount), destination, dest_asset, Operation.to_xdr_amount(self.dest_min), path, ) body = Xdr.nullclass() body.type = Xdr.const.PATH_PAYMENT_STRICT_SEND body.pathPaymentStrictSendOp = path_payment_strice_send_op return body
[docs] @classmethod def from_xdr_object( cls, operation_xdr_object: Xdr.types.Operation ) -> "PathPaymentStrictSend": """Creates a :class:`PathPaymentStrictSend` object from an XDR Operation object. """ source = Operation.get_source_from_xdr_obj(operation_xdr_object) destination = parse_ed25519_account_id_from_muxed_account_xdr_object( operation_xdr_object.body.pathPaymentStrictSendOp.destination ) send_asset = Asset.from_xdr_object( operation_xdr_object.body.pathPaymentStrictSendOp.sendAsset ) dest_asset = Asset.from_xdr_object( operation_xdr_object.body.pathPaymentStrictSendOp.destAsset ) send_amount = Operation.from_xdr_amount( operation_xdr_object.body.pathPaymentStrictSendOp.sendAmount ) dest_min = Operation.from_xdr_amount( operation_xdr_object.body.pathPaymentStrictSendOp.destMin ) path = [] if operation_xdr_object.body.pathPaymentStrictSendOp.path: for x in operation_xdr_object.body.pathPaymentStrictSendOp.path: path.append(Asset.from_xdr_object(x)) return cls( source=source, destination=destination, send_asset=send_asset, send_amount=send_amount, dest_asset=dest_asset, dest_min=dest_min, path=path, )