Source code for stellar_sdk.operation.allow_trust

from enum import IntFlag
from typing import Union

from .operation import Operation
from .utils import check_ed25519_public_key, check_asset_code
from ..asset import Asset
from ..keypair import Keypair
from ..strkey import StrKey
from ..xdr import Xdr

[docs]class TrustLineEntryFlag(IntFlag): """Indicates which flags to set. For details about the flags, please refer to the `CAP-0018 <>`_. - UNAUTHORIZED_FLAG: The account can not hold a balance but cannot receive payments, send payments, maintain offers, or manage offers - AUTHORIZED_FLAG: The account can hold a balance but cannot receive payments, send payments, maintain offers, or manage offers - AUTHORIZED_TO_MAINTAIN_LIABILITIES_FLAG: The account can hold a balance, receive payments, send payments, maintain offers, and manage offers """ UNAUTHORIZED_FLAG = 0 AUTHORIZED_FLAG = 1 AUTHORIZED_TO_MAINTAIN_LIABILITIES_FLAG = 2
[docs]class AllowTrust(Operation): """The :class:`AllowTrust` object, which represents a AllowTrust operation on Stellar's network. Updates the authorized flag of an existing trustline. This can only be called by the issuer of a trustline's `asset <>`_. The issuer can only clear the authorized flag if the issuer has the AUTH_REVOCABLE_FLAG set. Otherwise, the issuer can only set the authorized flag. Threshold: Low :param trustor: The trusting account (the one being authorized). :param asset_code: The asset code being authorized. :param authorize: `True` to authorize the line, `False` to deauthorize,if you need further control, you can also use :class:`stellar_sdk.operation.allow_trust.TrustLineEntryFlag`. :param source: The source account (defaults to transaction source). """ def __init__( self, trustor: str, asset_code: str, authorize: Union[TrustLineEntryFlag, bool], source: str = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(source) check_ed25519_public_key(trustor) check_asset_code(asset_code) self.trustor: str = trustor self.asset_code: str = asset_code if isinstance(authorize, bool): if authorize is True: self.authorize: TrustLineEntryFlag = TrustLineEntryFlag.AUTHORIZED_FLAG else: self.authorize: TrustLineEntryFlag = TrustLineEntryFlag.UNAUTHORIZED_FLAG else: self.authorize: TrustLineEntryFlag = authorize @classmethod def type_code(cls) -> int: return Xdr.const.ALLOW_TRUST def _to_operation_body(self) -> Xdr.nullclass: Asset.check_if_asset_code_is_valid(self.asset_code) trustor = Keypair.from_public_key(self.trustor).xdr_account_id() length = len(self.asset_code) # assert length <= 12 pad_length = 4 - length if length <= 4 else 12 - length # asset_code = self.asset_code + '\x00' * pad_length # asset_code = bytearray(asset_code, encoding='utf-8') asset_code = bytearray(self.asset_code, "ascii") + b"\x00" * pad_length asset = Xdr.nullclass() if len(asset_code) == 4: asset.type = Xdr.const.ASSET_TYPE_CREDIT_ALPHANUM4 asset.assetCode4 = asset_code else: asset.type = Xdr.const.ASSET_TYPE_CREDIT_ALPHANUM12 asset.assetCode12 = asset_code allow_trust_op = Xdr.types.AllowTrustOp(trustor, asset, self.authorize.value) body = Xdr.nullclass() body.type = Xdr.const.ALLOW_TRUST body.allowTrustOp = allow_trust_op return body
[docs] @classmethod def from_xdr_object(cls, operation_xdr_object: Xdr.types.Operation) -> "AllowTrust": """Creates a :class:`AllowTrust` object from an XDR Operation object. """ source = Operation.get_source_from_xdr_obj(operation_xdr_object) trustor = StrKey.encode_ed25519_public_key( operation_xdr_object.body.allowTrustOp.trustor.ed25519 ) authorize = operation_xdr_object.body.allowTrustOp.authorize authorize = TrustLineEntryFlag(authorize) asset_type = operation_xdr_object.body.allowTrustOp.asset.type if asset_type == Xdr.const.ASSET_TYPE_CREDIT_ALPHANUM4: asset_code = ( operation_xdr_object.body.allowTrustOp.asset.assetCode4.decode() ) elif asset_type == Xdr.const.ASSET_TYPE_CREDIT_ALPHANUM12: asset_code = ( operation_xdr_object.body.allowTrustOp.asset.assetCode12.decode() ) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Operation of asset_type={} is not implemented" ".".format(asset_type.type) ) asset_code = asset_code.rstrip("\x00") return cls( source=source, trustor=trustor, authorize=authorize, asset_code=asset_code )