Source code for stellar_sdk.fee_bump_transaction

from typing import Union

from .exceptions import ValueError
from .keypair import Keypair
from .strkey import StrKey
from .transaction import Transaction
from .transaction_envelope import TransactionEnvelope
from .xdr import Xdr
from .muxed_account import MuxedAccount

BASE_FEE = 100

__all__ = ["FeeBumpTransaction"]

[docs]class FeeBumpTransaction: """The :class:`FeeBumpTransaction` object, which represents a fee bump transaction on Stellar's network. See `CAP-0015 <>`_ for more information. :param fee_source: The account paying for the transaction. :param base_fee: The max fee willing to pay per operation in inner transaction (**in stroops**). :param inner_transaction_envelope: The TransactionEnvelope to be bumped by the fee bump transaction. """ def __init__( self, fee_source: Union[Keypair, MuxedAccount, str], base_fee: int, inner_transaction_envelope: TransactionEnvelope, ) -> None: if not ( isinstance(inner_transaction_envelope.transaction, Transaction) and inner_transaction_envelope.transaction.v1 ): raise ValueError("Invalid `inner_transaction`, it should be TransactionV1.") if isinstance(fee_source, str): fee_source = MuxedAccount.from_account(fee_source) if isinstance(fee_source, Keypair): fee_source = MuxedAccount.from_account(fee_source.public_key) self.fee_source: MuxedAccount = fee_source self.base_fee = base_fee self.inner_transaction_envelope = inner_transaction_envelope self._inner_transaction = inner_transaction_envelope.transaction inner_operations_length = len(self._inner_transaction.operations) inner_base_fee_rate = self._inner_transaction.fee / inner_operations_length if self.base_fee < inner_base_fee_rate or self.base_fee < BASE_FEE: raise ValueError( "Invalid `base_fee`, it should be at least %d stroops." % ( self._inner_transaction.fee if self._inner_transaction.fee > BASE_FEE else BASE_FEE ) )
[docs] def to_xdr_object(self) -> Xdr.types.FeeBumpTransaction: """Get an XDR object representation of this :class:`FeeBumpTransaction`. :return: XDR Transaction object """ fee_source = self.fee_source.to_xdr_object() fee = self.base_fee * (len(self._inner_transaction.operations) + 1) ext = Xdr.nullclass() ext.v = 0 return Xdr.types.FeeBumpTransaction( feeSource=fee_source, fee=fee, innerTx=self.inner_transaction_envelope.to_xdr_object(), ext=ext, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_xdr_object( cls, tx_xdr_object: Xdr.types.FeeBumpTransaction, network_passphrase: str ) -> "FeeBumpTransaction": """Create a new :class:`FeeBumpTransaction` from an XDR object. :param tx_xdr_object: The XDR object that represents a fee bump transaction. :param network_passphrase: The network to connect to for verifying and retrieving additional attributes from. :return: A new :class:`FeeBumpTransaction` object from the given XDR Transaction object. """ source = MuxedAccount.from_xdr_object(tx_xdr_object.feeSource) inner_transaction_envelope = TransactionEnvelope.from_xdr_object( tx_xdr_object.innerTx, network_passphrase ) inner_transaction_operation_length = len( inner_transaction_envelope.transaction.operations ) base_fee = int(tx_xdr_object.fee / (inner_transaction_operation_length + 1)) return cls( fee_source=source, base_fee=base_fee, inner_transaction_envelope=inner_transaction_envelope, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_xdr(cls, xdr: str, network_passphrase: str) -> "FeeBumpTransaction": """Create a new :class:`FeeBumpTransaction` from an XDR string. :param xdr: The XDR string that represents a transaction. :param network_passphrase: The network to connect to for verifying and retrieving additional attributes from. :return: A new :class:`FeeBumpTransaction` object from the given XDR FeeBumpTransaction base64 string object. """ xdr_object = Xdr.types.FeeBumpTransaction.from_xdr(xdr) return cls.from_xdr_object(xdr_object, network_passphrase)