Source code for stellar_sdk.transaction_envelope

from typing import List, Union

from .exceptions import SignatureExistError
from .keypair import Keypair
from .network import Network
from .xdr import Xdr
from .transaction import Transaction
from .utils import sha256, hex_to_bytes

__all__ = ["TransactionEnvelope"]

[docs]class TransactionEnvelope: """The :class:`TransactionEnvelope` object, which represents a transaction envelope ready to sign and submit to send over the network. When a transaction is ready to be prepared for sending over the network, it must be put into a :class:`TransactionEnvelope`, which includes additional metadata such as the signers for a given transaction. Ultimately, this class handles signing and conversion to and from XDR for usage on Stellar's network. :param transaction: The transaction that is encapsulated in this envelope. :param list signatures: which contains a list of signatures that have already been created. :param network_passphrase: The network to connect to for verifying and retrieving additional attributes from. """ def __init__( self, transaction: Transaction, network_passphrase: str, signatures: List[Xdr.types.DecoratedSignature] = None, ) -> None: self.transaction: Transaction = transaction self.network_id: bytes = Network(network_passphrase).network_id() self.signatures: List[Xdr.types.DecoratedSignature] = signatures or []
[docs] def hash(self) -> bytes: """Get the XDR Hash of the signature base. This hash is ultimately what is signed before transactions are sent over the network. See :meth:`signature_base` for more details about this process. :return: The XDR Hash of this transaction envelope's signature base. """ return sha256(self.signature_base())
[docs] def hash_hex(self) -> str: """Return a hex encoded hash for this transaction envelope. :return: A hex encoded hash for this transaction envelope. """ return self.hash().hex()
[docs] def sign(self, signer: Union[Keypair, str]) -> None: """Sign this transaction envelope with a given keypair. Note that the signature must not already be in this instance's list of signatures. :param signer: The keypair or secret to use for signing this transaction envelope. :raise: :exc:`SignatureExistError <stellar_sdk.exception.SignatureExistError>`: if this signature already exists. """ if isinstance(signer, str): signer = Keypair.from_secret(signer) tx_hash = self.hash() sig = signer.sign_decorated(tx_hash) sig_dict = [signature.__dict__ for signature in self.signatures] if sig.__dict__ in sig_dict: raise SignatureExistError("The keypair has already signed.") else: self.signatures.append(sig)
[docs] def signature_base(self) -> bytes: """Get the signature base of this transaction envelope. Return the "signature base" of this transaction, which is the value that, when hashed, should be signed to create a signature that validators on the Stellar Network will accept. It is composed of a 4 prefix bytes followed by the xdr-encoded form of this transaction. :return: The signature base of this transaction envelope. """ network_id = self.network_id tx_type = Xdr.StellarXDRPacker() tx_type.pack_EnvelopeType(Xdr.const.ENVELOPE_TYPE_TX) tx_type_buffer = tx_type.get_buffer() tx = Xdr.StellarXDRPacker() tx.pack_Transaction(self.transaction.to_xdr_object()) tx_buffer = tx.get_buffer() return network_id + tx_type_buffer + tx_buffer
[docs] def sign_hashx(self, preimage: bytes) -> None: """Sign this transaction envelope with a Hash(x) signature. See Stellar's documentation on `Multi-Sig <>`_ for more details on Hash(x) signatures. :param preimage: 32 byte hash or hex encoded string , the "x" value to be hashed and used as a signature. """ hash_preimage = sha256(hex_to_bytes(preimage)) hint = hash_preimage[-4:] sig = Xdr.types.DecoratedSignature(hint, preimage) sig_dict = [signature.__dict__ for signature in self.signatures] if sig.__dict__ in sig_dict: raise SignatureExistError("The preimage has already signed.") else: self.signatures.append(sig)
[docs] def to_xdr_object(self) -> Xdr.types.TransactionEnvelope: """Get an XDR object representation of this :class:`TransactionEnvelope`. :return: XDR TransactionEnvelope object """ tx = self.transaction.to_xdr_object() transaction_envelope = Xdr.types.TransactionEnvelope(tx, self.signatures) return transaction_envelope
[docs] def to_xdr(self) -> str: """Get the base64 encoded XDR string representing this :class:`TransactionEnvelope`. :return: XDR TransactionEnvelope base64 string object """ return self.to_xdr_object().to_xdr()
[docs] @classmethod def from_xdr_object( cls, te_xdr_object: Xdr.types.TransactionEnvelope, network_passphrase: str ) -> "TransactionEnvelope": """Create a new :class:`TransactionEnvelope` from an XDR object. :param te_xdr_object: The XDR object that represents a transaction envelope. :param network_passphrase: The network to connect to for verifying and retrieving additional attributes from. :return: A new :class:`TransactionEnvelope` object from the given XDR TransactionEnvelope object. """ signatures = te_xdr_object.signatures tx_xdr_object = te_xdr_object.tx tx = Transaction.from_xdr_object(tx_xdr_object) te = TransactionEnvelope( tx, network_passphrase=network_passphrase, signatures=signatures ) return te
[docs] @classmethod def from_xdr(cls, xdr: str, network_passphrase: str) -> "TransactionEnvelope": """Create a new :class:`TransactionEnvelope` from an XDR string. :param xdr: The XDR string that represents a transaction envelope. :param network: which network this transaction envelope is associated with. :return: A new :class:`TransactionEnvelope` object from the given XDR TransactionEnvelope base64 string object. """ xdr_object = Xdr.types.TransactionEnvelope.from_xdr(xdr) return cls.from_xdr_object(xdr_object, network_passphrase)