Source code for stellar_sdk.exceptions

from json import JSONDecodeError
from typing import Optional

from .client.response import Response

BuildInValueError = ValueError
BuildInTypeError = TypeError
BuildInAttributeError = AttributeError

__all__ = [

[docs]class SdkError(Exception): """Base exception for all stellar sdk related errors """
[docs]class ValueError(BuildInValueError, SdkError): """exception for all values related errors """
[docs]class TypeError(BuildInTypeError, SdkError): """exception for all type related errors """
class AttributeError(BuildInAttributeError, SdkError): """ Attribute not found. """
[docs]class BadSignatureError(ValueError): """Raised when the signature was forged or otherwise corrupt. """
[docs]class Ed25519PublicKeyInvalidError(ValueError): """Ed25519 public key is incorrect. """
[docs]class Ed25519SecretSeedInvalidError(ValueError): """Ed25519 secret seed is incorrect. """
[docs]class MissingEd25519SecretSeedError(ValueError): """Missing Ed25519 secret seed in the keypair """
[docs]class MemoInvalidException(ValueError): """Memo is incorrect. """
[docs]class AssetCodeInvalidError(ValueError): """Asset Code is incorrect. """
[docs]class AssetIssuerInvalidError(ValueError): """Asset issuer is incorrect. """
[docs]class NoApproximationError(SdkError): """Approximation cannot be found """
[docs]class SignatureExistError(ValueError): """A keypair can only sign a transaction once. """
[docs]class BaseRequestError(SdkError): """Base class for requests errors. """
[docs]class ConnectionError(BaseRequestError): """Base class for client connection errors. """
[docs]class BaseHorizonError(BaseRequestError): """Base class for horizon request errors. :param response: client response """ def __init__(self, response: Response) -> None: super().__init__(response) self.message: str = response.text self.status: int = response.status_code message = {} try: message = response.json() except JSONDecodeError: pass self.type: Optional[str] = message.get("type") self.title: Optional[str] = message.get("title") self.detail: Optional[str] = message.get("detail") self.extras: Optional[dict] = message.get("extras") self.result_xdr: Optional[str] = message.get("extras", {}).get("result_xdr") def __str__(self): return self.message
[docs]class NotFoundError(BaseHorizonError): """This exception is thrown when the requested resource does not exist. status_code == 400 """ def __init__(self, response): super().__init__(response)
[docs]class BadRequestError(BaseHorizonError): """The request from the client has an error. 400 <= status_code < 500 and status_code != 404 """ def __init__(self, response): super().__init__(response)
[docs]class BadResponseError(BaseHorizonError): """The response from the server has an error. 500 <= status_code < 600 """ def __init__(self, response): super().__init__(response)
class UnknownRequestError(BaseHorizonError): """Unknown request exception, please create an issue feedback for this issue. """ class NotPageableError(BaseRequestError): """There is no previous or next page """ def raise_request_exception(response: Response) -> None: status_code = response.status_code if status_code == 200: pass elif status_code == 404: raise NotFoundError(response) elif 400 <= status_code < 500: raise BadRequestError(response) elif 500 <= status_code < 600: raise BadResponseError(response) else: raise UnknownRequestError(response)