Source code for stellar_sdk.call_builder.strict_send_paths_call_builder

from typing import Union, List

from ..utils import convert_assets_to_horizon_param
from ..asset import Asset
from ..call_builder.base_call_builder import BaseCallBuilder
from ..client.base_async_client import BaseAsyncClient
from ..client.base_sync_client import BaseSyncClient

[docs]class StrictSendPathsCallBuilder(BaseCallBuilder): """Creates a new :class:`StrictSendPathsCallBuilder` pointed to server defined by horizon_url. Do not create this object directly, use :func:`stellar_sdk.server.Server.paths`. The Stellar Network allows payments to be made across assets through path payments. A strict send path payment specifies a series of assets to route a payment through, from source asset (the asset debited from the payer) to destination asset (the asset credited to the payee). A strict send path search is specified using: - The source asset - The source amount - The destination assets or destination account. As part of the search, horizon will load a list of assets available to the source address and will find any payment paths from those source assets to the desired destination asset. The search's source_amount parameter will be used to determine if there a given path can satisfy a payment of the desired amount. See `Find Payment Paths <>`_ :param horizon_url: Horizon server URL. :param client: The client instance used to send request. :param source_asset: The asset to be sent. :param source_amount: The amount, denominated in the source asset, that any returned path should be able to satisfy. :param destination: The destination account or the destination assets. """ def __init__( self, horizon_url: str, client: Union[BaseAsyncClient, BaseSyncClient], source_asset: Asset, source_amount: str, destination: Union[str, List[Asset]], ) -> None: super().__init__(horizon_url, client) self.endpoint: str = "paths/strict-send" params = { "source_amount": source_amount, "source_asset_type": source_asset.type, "source_asset_code": None if source_asset.is_native() else source_asset.code, "source_asset_issuer": source_asset.issuer, } if isinstance(destination, str): params["destination_account"] = destination else: params["destination_assets"] = convert_assets_to_horizon_param(destination) self._add_query_params(params)