Source code for stellar_sdk.server

import warnings
from typing import Union, Coroutine, Any, Dict, List
from urllib.parse import urljoin

from .account import Account
from .asset import Asset
from .call_builder.accounts_call_builder import AccountsCallBuilder
from .call_builder.assets_call_builder import AssetsCallBuilder
from .call_builder.effects_call_builder import EffectsCallBuilder
from .call_builder.fee_stats_call_builder import FeeStatsCallBuilder
from .call_builder.ledgers_call_builder import LedgersCallBuilder
from .call_builder.offers_call_builder import OffersCallBuilder
from .call_builder.operations_call_builder import OperationsCallBuilder
from .call_builder.orderbook_call_builder import OrderbookCallBuilder
from .call_builder.paths_call_builder import PathsCallBuilder
from .call_builder.payments_call_builder import PaymentsCallBuilder
from .call_builder.root_call_builder import RootCallBuilder
from .call_builder.strict_receive_paths_call_builder import (
from .call_builder.strict_send_paths_call_builder import StrictSendPathsCallBuilder
from .call_builder.trades_aggregation_call_builder import TradeAggregationsCallBuilder
from .call_builder.trades_call_builder import TradesCallBuilder
from .call_builder.transactions_call_builder import TransactionsCallBuilder
from .client.base_async_client import BaseAsyncClient
from .client.base_sync_client import BaseSyncClient
from .client.requests_client import RequestsClient
from .exceptions import TypeError, raise_request_exception
from .transaction_envelope import TransactionEnvelope

__all__ = ["Server"]

[docs]class Server: """Server handles the network connection to a `Horizon <>`_ instance and exposes an interface for requests to that instance. Here we need to talk about the **client** parameter, if you do not specify the client, we will use the :class:`stellar_sdk.client.requests_client.RequestsClient` instance by default, it is a synchronous HTTPClient, you can also specify an asynchronous HTTP Client, for example: :class:`stellar_sdk.client.aiohttp_client.AiohttpClient`. If you use a synchronous client, then all requests are synchronous. If you use an asynchronous client, then all requests are asynchronous. The choice is in your hands. :param horizon_url: Horizon Server URL (ex. ``) :param client: Http Client used to send the request :raises: :exc:`TypeError <stellar_sdk.exceptions.TypeError>`: if the ``client`` does not meet the standard. """ def __init__( self, horizon_url: str = "", client: Union[BaseAsyncClient, BaseSyncClient] = None, ) -> None: self.horizon_url: str = horizon_url if not client: client = RequestsClient() self._client: Union[BaseAsyncClient, BaseSyncClient] = client if isinstance(self._client, BaseAsyncClient): self.__async: bool = True elif isinstance(self._client, BaseSyncClient): self.__async = False else: raise TypeError( "This `client` class should be an instance " "of `stellar_sdk.client.base_async_client.BaseAsyncClient` " "or `stellar_sdk.client.base_sync_client.BaseSyncClient`." )
[docs] def submit_transaction( self, transaction_envelope: Union[TransactionEnvelope, str] ) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, Dict[str, Any]]]: """Submits a transaction to the network. :param transaction_envelope: :class:`stellar_sdk.transaction_envelope.TransactionEnvelope` object or base64 encoded xdr :return: the response from horizon """ xdr = transaction_envelope if isinstance(transaction_envelope, TransactionEnvelope): xdr = transaction_envelope.to_xdr() data = {"tx": xdr} url = urljoin(self.horizon_url, "/transactions") if self.__async: return self.__submit_transaction_async(url, data) return self.__submit_transaction_sync(url, data)
def __submit_transaction_sync( self, url: str, data: Dict[str, str] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: resp =, data=data) raise_request_exception(resp) return resp.json() async def __submit_transaction_async( self, url: str, data: Dict[str, str] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: resp = await, data=data) raise_request_exception(resp) return resp.json()
[docs] def root(self) -> RootCallBuilder: """ :return: New :class:`stellar_sdk.call_builder.RootCallBuilder` object configured by a current Horizon server configuration. """ return RootCallBuilder(horizon_url=self.horizon_url, client=self._client)
[docs] def accounts(self) -> AccountsCallBuilder: """ :return: New :class:`stellar_sdk.call_builder.AccountsCallBuilder` object configured by a current Horizon server configuration. """ return AccountsCallBuilder(horizon_url=self.horizon_url, client=self._client)
[docs] def assets(self) -> AssetsCallBuilder: """ :return: New :class:`stellar_sdk.call_builder.AssetsCallBuilder` object configured by a current Horizon server configuration. """ return AssetsCallBuilder(horizon_url=self.horizon_url, client=self._client)
[docs] def effects(self) -> EffectsCallBuilder: """ :return: New :class:`stellar_sdk.call_builder.EffectsCallBuilder` object configured by a current Horizon server configuration. """ return EffectsCallBuilder(horizon_url=self.horizon_url, client=self._client)
[docs] def fee_stats(self) -> FeeStatsCallBuilder: """ :return: New :class:`stellar_sdk.call_builder.FeeStatsCallBuilder` object configured by a current Horizon server configuration. """ return FeeStatsCallBuilder(horizon_url=self.horizon_url, client=self._client)
[docs] def ledgers(self) -> LedgersCallBuilder: """ :return: New :class:`stellar_sdk.call_builder.LedgersCallBuilder` object configured by a current Horizon server configuration. """ return LedgersCallBuilder(horizon_url=self.horizon_url, client=self._client)
[docs] def offers(self, account_id: str) -> OffersCallBuilder: """ :param account_id: Account ID. :return: New :class:`stellar_sdk.call_builder.OffersCallBuilder` object configured by a current Horizon server configuration. """ return OffersCallBuilder( horizon_url=self.horizon_url, client=self._client, account_id=account_id )
[docs] def operations(self) -> OperationsCallBuilder: """ :return: New :class:`stellar_sdk.call_builder.OperationsCallBuilder` object configured by a current Horizon server configuration. """ return OperationsCallBuilder(horizon_url=self.horizon_url, client=self._client)
[docs] def orderbook(self, selling: Asset, buying: Asset) -> OrderbookCallBuilder: """ :param selling: Asset being sold :param buying: Asset being bought :return: New :class:`stellar_sdk.call_builder.OrderbookCallBuilder` object configured by a current Horizon server configuration. """ return OrderbookCallBuilder( horizon_url=self.horizon_url, client=self._client, buying=buying, selling=selling, )
[docs] def paths( self, source_account: str, destination_account: str, destination_asset: Asset, destination_amount: str, ) -> PathsCallBuilder: """ :param source_account: The sender's account ID. Any returned path must use a source that the sender can hold. :param destination_account: The destination account ID that any returned path should use. :param destination_asset: The destination asset. :param destination_amount: The amount, denominated in the destination asset, that any returned path should be able to satisfy. :return: New :class:`stellar_sdk.call_builder.PathsCallBuilder` object configured by a current Horizon server configuration. """ warnings.warn( "Will be removed in version v2.1.0, " "use stellar_sdk.server.strict_receive_paths", DeprecationWarning, ) return PathsCallBuilder( horizon_url=self.horizon_url, client=self._client, source_account=source_account, destination_account=destination_account, destination_asset=destination_asset, destination_amount=destination_amount, )
[docs] def strict_receive_paths( self, source: Union[str, List[Asset]], destination_asset: Asset, destination_amount: str, ): """ :param source: The sender's account ID or a list of Assets. Any returned path must use a source that the sender can hold. :param destination_asset: The destination asset. :param destination_amount: The amount, denominated in the destination asset, that any returned path should be able to satisfy. :return: New :class:`stellar_sdk.call_builder.StrictReceivePathsCallBuilder` object configured by a current Horizon server configuration. """ return StrictReceivePathsCallBuilder( horizon_url=self.horizon_url, client=self._client, source=source, destination_asset=destination_asset, destination_amount=destination_amount, )
[docs] def strict_send_paths( self, source_asset: Asset, source_amount: str, destination: Union[str, List[Asset]], ): """ :param source_asset: The asset to be sent. :param source_amount: The amount, denominated in the source asset, that any returned path should be able to satisfy. :param destination: The destination account or the destination assets. :return: New :class:`stellar_sdk.call_builder.StrictReceivePathsCallBuilder` object configured by a current Horizon server configuration. """ return StrictSendPathsCallBuilder( horizon_url=self.horizon_url, client=self._client, source_asset=source_asset, source_amount=source_amount, destination=destination, )
[docs] def payments(self) -> PaymentsCallBuilder: """ :return: New :class:`stellar_sdk.call_builder.PaymentsCallBuilder` object configured by a current Horizon server configuration. """ return PaymentsCallBuilder(horizon_url=self.horizon_url, client=self._client)
[docs] def trade_aggregations( self, base: Asset, counter: Asset, resolution: int, start_time: int = None, end_time: int = None, offset: int = None, ) -> TradeAggregationsCallBuilder: """ :param base: base asset :param counter: counter asset :param resolution: segment duration as millis since epoch. *Supported values are 1 minute (60000), 5 minutes (300000), 15 minutes (900000), 1 hour (3600000), 1 day (86400000) and 1 week (604800000).* :param start_time: lower time boundary represented as millis since epoch :param end_time: upper time boundary represented as millis since epoch :param offset: segments can be offset using this parameter. Expressed in milliseconds. *Can only be used if the resolution is greater than 1 hour. Value must be in whole hours, less than the provided resolution, and less than 24 hours.* :return: New :class:`stellar_sdk.call_builder.TradeAggregationsCallBuilder` object configured by a current Horizon server configuration. """ return TradeAggregationsCallBuilder( horizon_url=self.horizon_url, client=self._client, base=base, counter=counter, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, resolution=resolution, offset=offset, )
[docs] def trades(self) -> TradesCallBuilder: """ :return: New :class:`stellar_sdk.call_builder.TradesCallBuilder` object configured by a current Horizon server configuration. """ return TradesCallBuilder(horizon_url=self.horizon_url, client=self._client)
[docs] def transactions(self) -> TransactionsCallBuilder: """ :return: New :class:`stellar_sdk.call_builder.TransactionsCallBuilder` object configured by a current Horizon server configuration. """ return TransactionsCallBuilder( horizon_url=self.horizon_url, client=self._client )
[docs] def load_account( self, account_id: str ) -> Union[Account, Coroutine[Any, Any, Account]]: """Fetches an account's most current state in the ledger and then creates and returns an :class:`stellar_sdk.account.Account` object. :param account_id: The account to load. :return: an :class:`stellar_sdk.account.Account` object. :raises: :exc:`ConnectionError <stellar_sdk.exceptions.ConnectionError>` :exc:`NotFoundError <stellar_sdk.exceptions.NotFoundError>` :exc:`BadRequestError <stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadRequestError>` :exc:`BadResponseError <stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadResponseError>` :exc:`UnknownRequestError <stellar_sdk.exceptions.UnknownRequestError>` """ if self.__async: return self.__load_account_async(account_id) return self.__load_account_sync(account_id)
async def __load_account_async(self, account_id: str) -> Account: resp = await self.accounts().account_id(account_id=account_id).call() sequence = int(resp["sequence"]) return Account(account_id=account_id, sequence=sequence) def __load_account_sync(self, account_id: str) -> Account: resp = self.accounts().account_id(account_id=account_id).call() sequence = int(resp["sequence"]) return Account(account_id=account_id, sequence=sequence)
[docs] def fetch_base_fee(self) -> Union[int, Coroutine[Any, Any, int]]: """Fetch the base fee. Since this hits the server, if the server call fails, you might get an error. You should be prepared to use a default value if that happens. :return: the base fee :raises: :exc:`ConnectionError <stellar_sdk.exceptions.ConnectionError>` :exc:`NotFoundError <stellar_sdk.exceptions.NotFoundError>` :exc:`BadRequestError <stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadRequestError>` :exc:`BadResponseError <stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadResponseError>` :exc:`UnknownRequestError <stellar_sdk.exceptions.UnknownRequestError>` """ if self.__async: return self.__fetch_base_fee_async() return self.__fetch_base_fee_sync()
def __fetch_base_fee_sync(self) -> int: latest_ledger = self.ledgers().order(desc=True).limit(1).call() base_fee = self.__handle_base_fee(latest_ledger) return base_fee async def __fetch_base_fee_async(self) -> int: latest_ledger = await self.ledgers().order(desc=True).limit(1).call() base_fee = self.__handle_base_fee(latest_ledger) return base_fee def __handle_base_fee(self, latest_ledger: dict) -> int: base_fee = 100 if ( latest_ledger["_embedded"] and latest_ledger["_embedded"]["records"] and latest_ledger["_embedded"]["records"][0] ): base_fee = int( latest_ledger["_embedded"]["records"][0]["base_fee_in_stroops"] ) return base_fee
[docs] def close(self) -> Union[None, Coroutine[Any, Any, None]]: """Close underlying connector. Release all acquired resources. """ if self.__async: return self.__close_async() else: return self.__close_sync()
async def __close_async(self) -> None: await self._client.close() def __close_sync(self) -> None: self._client.close() async def __aenter__(self) -> "Server": return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None: await self.close() def __enter__(self) -> "Server": return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close()