Source code for stellar_sdk.sep.stellar_web_authentication

SEP: 0010
Title: Stellar Web Authentication
import os
import time

from ..exceptions import BadSignatureError
from ..keypair import Keypair
from ..transaction_builder import TransactionBuilder
from ..operation.manage_data import ManageData
from .exceptions import InvalidSep10ChallengeError
from ..transaction_envelope import TransactionEnvelope
from ..account import Account

__all__ = ["build_challenge_transaction", "verify_challenge_transaction"]

[docs]def build_challenge_transaction( server_secret: str, client_account_id: str, anchor_name: str, network_passphrase: str, timeout: int = 300, ) -> str: """Returns a valid `SEP0010 <>`_ challenge transaction which you can use for Stellar Web Authentication. :param server_secret: secret key for server's signing account. :param client_account_id: The stellar account that the wallet wishes to authenticate with the server. :param anchor_name: Anchor's name to be used in the manage_data key. :param network_passphrase: The network to connect to for verifying and retrieving additional attributes from. (ex. 'Public Global Stellar Network ; September 2015') :param timeout: Challenge duration in seconds (default to 5 minutes). :return: A base64 encoded string of the raw TransactionEnvelope xdr struct for the transaction. """ now = int(time.time()) server_keypair = Keypair.from_secret(server_secret) server_account = Account(account_id=server_keypair.public_key, sequence=-1) transaction_builder = TransactionBuilder(server_account, network_passphrase, 100) transaction_builder.add_time_bounds(min_time=now, max_time=now + timeout) nonce = os.urandom(64) transaction_builder.append_manage_data_op( data_name="{} auth".format(anchor_name), data_value=nonce, source=client_account_id, ) transaction = transaction.sign(server_keypair) return transaction.to_xdr()
[docs]def verify_challenge_transaction( challenge_transaction: str, server_account_id: str, network_passphrase: str ) -> None: """Verifies if a transaction is a valid `SEP0010 <>`_ challenge transaction, if the validation fails, an exception will be thrown. This function performs the following checks: 1. verify that transaction sequenceNumber is equal to zero; 2. verify that transaction source account is equal to the server's signing key; 3. verify that transaction has time bounds set, and that current time is between the minimum and maximum bounds; 4. verify that transaction contains a single Manage Data operation and it's source account is not null; 5. verify that transaction envelope has a correct signature by server's signing key; 6. verify that transaction envelope has a correct signature by the operation's source account; :param challenge_transaction: SEP0010 transaction challenge transaction in base64. :param server_account_id: public key for server's account. :param network_passphrase: The network to connect to for verifying and retrieving additional attributes from. (ex. 'Public Global Stellar Network ; September 2015') :raises: :exc:`InvalidSep10ChallengeError <stellar_sdk.sep.exceptions.InvalidSep10ChallengeError>` - if the validation fails, the exception will be thrown. """ try: transaction_envelope = TransactionEnvelope.from_xdr( challenge_transaction, network_passphrase=network_passphrase ) except Exception: raise InvalidSep10ChallengeError( "Importing XDR failed, please check if XDR is correct." ) transaction = transaction_envelope.transaction if transaction.sequence != 0: raise InvalidSep10ChallengeError( "The transaction sequence number should be zero." ) if transaction.source.public_key != server_account_id: raise InvalidSep10ChallengeError( "Transaction source account is not equal to server's account." ) if not transaction.time_bounds: raise InvalidSep10ChallengeError("Transaction requires timebounds.") max_time = transaction.time_bounds.max_time min_time = transaction.time_bounds.min_time if max_time == 0: raise InvalidSep10ChallengeError( "Transaction requires non-infinite timebounds." ) current_time = time.time() if current_time < min_time or current_time > max_time: raise InvalidSep10ChallengeError( "Transaction is not within range of the specified timebounds." ) if len(transaction.operations) != 1: raise InvalidSep10ChallengeError( "Transaction requires a single ManageData operation." ) manage_data_op = transaction.operations[0] if not isinstance(manage_data_op, ManageData): raise InvalidSep10ChallengeError("Operation type should be ManageData.") if not manage_data_op.source: raise InvalidSep10ChallengeError("Operation should have a source account.") if len(manage_data_op.data_value) != 64: raise InvalidSep10ChallengeError( "Operation value should be a 64 bytes base64 random string." ) if not transaction_envelope.signatures: raise InvalidSep10ChallengeError("Transaction has no signatures.") if not __verify_te_signed_by(transaction_envelope, server_account_id): raise InvalidSep10ChallengeError( "transaction not signed by server: {}.".format(server_account_id) ) if not __verify_te_signed_by(transaction_envelope, manage_data_op.source): raise InvalidSep10ChallengeError( "transaction not signed by client: {}.".format(manage_data_op.source) )
def __verify_te_signed_by( transaction_envelope: TransactionEnvelope, account_id: str ) -> bool: kp = Keypair.from_public_key(account_id) for decorated_signature in transaction_envelope.signatures: try: kp.verify(transaction_envelope.hash(), decorated_signature.signature) return True except BadSignatureError: pass return False