Source code for stellar_sdk.operation.create_account

from decimal import Decimal
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union

from .operation import Operation
from .utils import check_ed25519_public_key, check_amount
from .. import xdr as stellar_xdr
from ..keypair import Keypair
from ..muxed_account import MuxedAccount
from ..strkey import StrKey

__all__ = ["CreateAccount"]

[docs]class CreateAccount(Operation): """The :class:`CreateAccount` object, which represents a Create Account operation on Stellar's network. This operation creates and funds a new account with the specified starting balance. Threshold: Medium :param destination: Destination account ID to create an account for. :param starting_balance: Amount in XLM the account should be funded for. Must be greater than the `reserve balance amount <>`_. :param source: The source account for the payment. Defaults to the transaction's source account. """ _XDR_OPERATION_TYPE: stellar_xdr.OperationType = ( stellar_xdr.OperationType.CREATE_ACCOUNT ) def __init__( self, destination: str, starting_balance: Union[str, Decimal], source: Optional[Union[MuxedAccount, str]] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(source) check_ed25519_public_key(destination) check_amount(starting_balance) self.destination: str = destination self.starting_balance: Union[str, Decimal] = starting_balance def _to_operation_body(self) -> stellar_xdr.OperationBody: destination = Keypair.from_public_key(self.destination).xdr_account_id() starting_balance = stellar_xdr.Int64( Operation.to_xdr_amount(self.starting_balance) ) create_account_op = stellar_xdr.CreateAccountOp(destination, starting_balance) body = stellar_xdr.OperationBody( type=self._XDR_OPERATION_TYPE, create_account_op=create_account_op ) return body
[docs] @classmethod def from_xdr_object(cls, xdr_object: stellar_xdr.Operation) -> "CreateAccount": """Creates a :class:`CreateAccount` object from an XDR Operation object.""" source = Operation.get_source_from_xdr_obj(xdr_object) assert xdr_object.body.create_account_op is not None assert ( xdr_object.body.create_account_op.destination.account_id.ed25519 is not None ) destination = StrKey.encode_ed25519_public_key( xdr_object.body.create_account_op.destination.account_id.ed25519.uint256 ) starting_balance = Operation.from_xdr_amount( xdr_object.body.create_account_op.starting_balance.int64 ) op = cls( source=source, destination=destination, starting_balance=starting_balance ) return op
def __str__(self): return ( f"<CreateAccount [destination={self.destination}, " f"starting_balance={self.starting_balance}, " f"source={self.source}]>" )