API Documentation


class stellar_sdk.account.Account(account_id, sequence)[source]

The Account object, which represents represents a single account in Stellar network and its sequence number.

Account tracks the sequence number as it is used by TransactionBuilder

See Accounts For more information about the formats used for asset codes and how issuers work on Stellar’s network,

  • account_id (Union[str, MuxedAccount]) – MuxedAccount or Account ID of the account (ex. GB3KJPLFUYN5VL6R3GU3EGCGVCKFDSD7BEDX42HWG5BWFKB3KQGJJRMA) or muxed account (ex. MAAAAAAAAAAAJURAAB2X52XFQP6FBXLGT6LWOOWMEXWHEWBDVRZ7V5WH34Y22MPFBHUHY)
  • sequence (int) – sequence current sequence number of the account

Ed25519PublicKeyInvalidError: if account_id is not a valid ed25519 public key.


Increments sequence number in this object by one.

Return type:None

Load ed25519 public key signers, may change in 3.0.

Return type:List[Ed25519PublicKeySigner]


class stellar_sdk.asset.Asset(code, issuer=None)[source]

The Asset object, which represents an asset and its corresponding issuer on the Stellar network.

For more information about the formats used for asset codes and how issuers work on Stellar’s network, see Stellar’s guide on assets.

  • code (str) – The asset code, in the formats specified in Stellar’s guide on assets.
  • issuer (Optional[str]) – The account ID of the issuer. Note if the currency is the native currency (XLM (Lumens)), no issuer is necessary.
AssetCodeInvalidError: if code is invalid.
AssetIssuerInvalidError: if issuer is not a valid ed25519 public key.
classmethod from_xdr_object(asset_xdr_object)[source]

Create a Asset from an XDR Asset object.

Parameters:asset_xdr_object (Asset) – The XDR Asset object.
Return type:Asset
Returns:A new Asset object from the given XDR Asset object.

Return the type of the asset, Can be one of following types: native, credit_alphanum4 or credit_alphanum12

Return type:str
Returns:The type of the asset.

Return true if the Asset is the native asset.

Return type:bool
Returns:True if the Asset is native, False otherwise.
static native()[source]

Returns an asset object for the native asset.

Return type:Asset
Returns:An asset object for the native asset.

Generate a dict for this object’s attributes.

Return type:dict
Returns:A dict representing an Asset

Returns the xdr object for this asset.

Return type:Asset
Returns:XDR Asset object

Return the type of the asset, Can be one of following types: native, credit_alphanum4 or credit_alphanum12

Return type:str
Returns:The type of the asset.

Call Builder


class stellar_sdk.call_builder.BaseCallBuilder(horizon_url, client)[source]

Creates a new BaseCallBuilder pointed to server defined by horizon_url.

This is an abstract class. Do not create this object directly, use stellar_sdk.server.Server class.


Triggers a HTTP request using this builder’s current configuration.

Return type:Union[Dict[str, Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, Dict[str, Any]]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, the response will be returned. If it is called asynchronously, it will return Coroutine.
ConnectionError: if you have not successfully connected to the server.
NotFoundError: if status_code == 404
BadRequestError: if 400 <= status_code < 500 and status_code != 404
BadResponseError: if 500 <= status_code < 600
UnknownRequestError: if an unknown error occurs, please submit an issue

Sets cursor parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:cursor (Union) – A cursor is a value that points to a specific location in a collection of resources.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Sets limit parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:limit (int) – Number of records the server should return.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder

Sets order parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

Parameters:desc (bool) – Sort direction, True to get desc sort direction, the default setting is True.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Creates an EventSource that listens for incoming messages from the server.

See Horizon Response Format

See MDN EventSource

Return type:Union[AsyncGenerator[Dict[str, Any], None], Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, it will return Generator, If it is called asynchronously, it will return AsyncGenerator.
Raise:StreamClientError - Failed to fetch stream resource.


class stellar_sdk.call_builder.AccountsCallBuilder(horizon_url, client)[source]

Creates a new AccountsCallBuilder pointed to server defined by horizon_url. Do not create this object directly, use stellar_sdk.server.Server.accounts().


Returns information and links relating to a single account. The balances section in the returned JSON will also list all the trust lines this account has set up.

See Account Details

Parameters:account_id (str) – account id, for example: GDGQVOKHW4VEJRU2TETD6DBRKEO5ERCNF353LW5WBFW3JJWQ2BRQ6KDD
Return type:AccountsCallBuilder
Returns:current AccountCallBuilder instance

Filtering accounts who have a trustline to an asset. The result is a list of accounts.

See Account Details

Parameters:asset (Asset) – an issued asset
Return type:AccountsCallBuilder
Returns:current AccountCallBuilder instance

Triggers a HTTP request using this builder’s current configuration.

Return type:Union[Dict[str, Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, Dict[str, Any]]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, the response will be returned. If it is called asynchronously, it will return Coroutine.
ConnectionError: if you have not successfully connected to the server.
NotFoundError: if status_code == 404
BadRequestError: if 400 <= status_code < 500 and status_code != 404
BadResponseError: if 500 <= status_code < 600
UnknownRequestError: if an unknown error occurs, please submit an issue

Sets cursor parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:cursor (Union) – A cursor is a value that points to a specific location in a collection of resources.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Filtering accounts who have a trustline to an asset. The result is a list of accounts.

See Account Details

Parameters:asset (Asset) – an issued asset
Return type:AccountsCallBuilder
Returns:current AccountCallBuilder instance

Filtering accounts who have a given signer. The result is a list of accounts.

See Account Details

Parameters:signer (str) – signer’s account id, for example: GDGQVOKHW4VEJRU2TETD6DBRKEO5ERCNF353LW5WBFW3JJWQ2BRQ6KDD
Return type:AccountsCallBuilder
Returns:current AccountCallBuilder instance

Sets limit parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:limit (int) – Number of records the server should return.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder

Sets order parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

Parameters:desc (bool) – Sort direction, True to get desc sort direction, the default setting is True.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Filtering accounts who have a given signer. The result is a list of accounts.

See Account Details

Parameters:signer (str) – signer’s account id, for example: GDGQVOKHW4VEJRU2TETD6DBRKEO5ERCNF353LW5WBFW3JJWQ2BRQ6KDD
Return type:AccountsCallBuilder
Returns:current AccountCallBuilder instance

Creates an EventSource that listens for incoming messages from the server.

See Horizon Response Format

See MDN EventSource

Return type:Union[AsyncGenerator[Dict[str, Any], None], Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, it will return Generator, If it is called asynchronously, it will return AsyncGenerator.
Raise:StreamClientError - Failed to fetch stream resource.


class stellar_sdk.call_builder.AssetsCallBuilder(horizon_url, client)[source]

Creates a new AssetsCallBuilder pointed to server defined by horizon_url. Do not create this object directly, use stellar_sdk.server.Server.assets().

See All Assets


Triggers a HTTP request using this builder’s current configuration.

Return type:Union[Dict[str, Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, Dict[str, Any]]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, the response will be returned. If it is called asynchronously, it will return Coroutine.
ConnectionError: if you have not successfully connected to the server.
NotFoundError: if status_code == 404
BadRequestError: if 400 <= status_code < 500 and status_code != 404
BadResponseError: if 500 <= status_code < 600
UnknownRequestError: if an unknown error occurs, please submit an issue

Sets cursor parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:cursor (Union) – A cursor is a value that points to a specific location in a collection of resources.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

This endpoint filters all assets by the asset code.

Parameters:asset_code (str) – asset code, for example: USD
Return type:AssetsCallBuilder
Returns:current AssetCallBuilder instance

This endpoint filters all assets by the asset issuer.

Parameters:asset_issuer (str) – asset issuer, for example: GDGQVOKHW4VEJRU2TETD6DBRKEO5ERCNF353LW5WBFW3JJWQ2BRQ6KDD
Return type:AssetsCallBuilder
Returns:current AssetCallBuilder instance

Sets limit parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:limit (int) – Number of records the server should return.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder

Sets order parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

Parameters:desc (bool) – Sort direction, True to get desc sort direction, the default setting is True.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Creates an EventSource that listens for incoming messages from the server.

See Horizon Response Format

See MDN EventSource

Return type:Union[AsyncGenerator[Dict[str, Any], None], Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, it will return Generator, If it is called asynchronously, it will return AsyncGenerator.
Raise:StreamClientError - Failed to fetch stream resource.


class stellar_sdk.call_builder.DataCallBuilder(horizon_url, client, account_id, data_name)[source]

Creates a new DataCallBuilder pointed to server defined by horizon_url. Do not create this object directly, use stellar_sdk.server.Server.data().

See Data for Account

  • horizon_url (str) – Horizon server URL.
  • client (Union[BaseAsyncClient, BaseSyncClient]) – The client instance used to send request.
  • account_id (str) – account id, for example: GDGQVOKHW4VEJRU2TETD6DBRKEO5ERCNF353LW5WBFW3JJWQ2BRQ6KDD
  • data_name (str) – Key name

Triggers a HTTP request using this builder’s current configuration.

Return type:Union[Dict[str, Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, Dict[str, Any]]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, the response will be returned. If it is called asynchronously, it will return Coroutine.
ConnectionError: if you have not successfully connected to the server.
NotFoundError: if status_code == 404
BadRequestError: if 400 <= status_code < 500 and status_code != 404
BadResponseError: if 500 <= status_code < 600
UnknownRequestError: if an unknown error occurs, please submit an issue

Sets cursor parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:cursor (Union) – A cursor is a value that points to a specific location in a collection of resources.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Sets limit parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:limit (int) – Number of records the server should return.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder

Sets order parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

Parameters:desc (bool) – Sort direction, True to get desc sort direction, the default setting is True.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Creates an EventSource that listens for incoming messages from the server.

See Horizon Response Format

See MDN EventSource

Return type:Union[AsyncGenerator[Dict[str, Any], None], Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, it will return Generator, If it is called asynchronously, it will return AsyncGenerator.
Raise:StreamClientError - Failed to fetch stream resource.


class stellar_sdk.call_builder.EffectsCallBuilder(horizon_url, client)[source]

Creates a new EffectsCallBuilder pointed to server defined by horizon_url. Do not create this object directly, use stellar_sdk.server.Server.effects().

See All Effects


Triggers a HTTP request using this builder’s current configuration.

Return type:Union[Dict[str, Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, Dict[str, Any]]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, the response will be returned. If it is called asynchronously, it will return Coroutine.
ConnectionError: if you have not successfully connected to the server.
NotFoundError: if status_code == 404
BadRequestError: if 400 <= status_code < 500 and status_code != 404
BadResponseError: if 500 <= status_code < 600
UnknownRequestError: if an unknown error occurs, please submit an issue

Sets cursor parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:cursor (Union) – A cursor is a value that points to a specific location in a collection of resources.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

This endpoint represents all effects that changed a given account. It will return relevant effects from the creation of the account to the current ledger.

See Effects for Account

Parameters:account_id (str) – account id, for example: GDGQVOKHW4VEJRU2TETD6DBRKEO5ERCNF353LW5WBFW3JJWQ2BRQ6KDD
Return type:EffectsCallBuilder
Returns:this EffectCallBuilder instance

Effects are the specific ways that the ledger was changed by any operation. This endpoint represents all effects that occurred in the given ledger.

See Effects for Ledger

Parameters:sequence (Union[int, str]) – ledger sequence
Return type:EffectsCallBuilder
Returns:this EffectCallBuilder instance

This endpoint represents all effects that occurred as a result of a given operation.

See Effects for Operation

Parameters:operation_id (Union[int, str]) – operation ID
Return type:EffectsCallBuilder
Returns:this EffectCallBuilder instance

This endpoint represents all effects that occurred as a result of a given transaction.

See Effects for Transaction

Parameters:transaction_hash (str) – transaction hash
Return type:EffectsCallBuilder
Returns:this EffectCallBuilder instance

Sets limit parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:limit (int) – Number of records the server should return.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder

Sets order parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

Parameters:desc (bool) – Sort direction, True to get desc sort direction, the default setting is True.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Creates an EventSource that listens for incoming messages from the server.

See Horizon Response Format

See MDN EventSource

Return type:Union[AsyncGenerator[Dict[str, Any], None], Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, it will return Generator, If it is called asynchronously, it will return AsyncGenerator.
Raise:StreamClientError - Failed to fetch stream resource.


class stellar_sdk.call_builder.FeeStatsCallBuilder(horizon_url, client)[source]

Creates a new FeeStatsCallBuilder pointed to server defined by horizon_url. Do not create this object directly, use stellar_sdk.server.Server.fee_stats().

See Fee Stats


Triggers a HTTP request using this builder’s current configuration.

Return type:Union[Dict[str, Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, Dict[str, Any]]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, the response will be returned. If it is called asynchronously, it will return Coroutine.
ConnectionError: if you have not successfully connected to the server.
NotFoundError: if status_code == 404
BadRequestError: if 400 <= status_code < 500 and status_code != 404
BadResponseError: if 500 <= status_code < 600
UnknownRequestError: if an unknown error occurs, please submit an issue

Sets cursor parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:cursor (Union) – A cursor is a value that points to a specific location in a collection of resources.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Sets limit parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:limit (int) – Number of records the server should return.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder

Sets order parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

Parameters:desc (bool) – Sort direction, True to get desc sort direction, the default setting is True.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Creates an EventSource that listens for incoming messages from the server.

See Horizon Response Format

See MDN EventSource

Return type:Union[AsyncGenerator[Dict[str, Any], None], Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, it will return Generator, If it is called asynchronously, it will return AsyncGenerator.
Raise:StreamClientError - Failed to fetch stream resource.


class stellar_sdk.call_builder.LedgersCallBuilder(horizon_url, client)[source]

Creates a new LedgersCallBuilder pointed to server defined by horizon_url. Do not create this object directly, use stellar_sdk.server.Server.ledgers().

See All Ledgers


Triggers a HTTP request using this builder’s current configuration.

Return type:Union[Dict[str, Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, Dict[str, Any]]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, the response will be returned. If it is called asynchronously, it will return Coroutine.
ConnectionError: if you have not successfully connected to the server.
NotFoundError: if status_code == 404
BadRequestError: if 400 <= status_code < 500 and status_code != 404
BadResponseError: if 500 <= status_code < 600
UnknownRequestError: if an unknown error occurs, please submit an issue

Sets cursor parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:cursor (Union) – A cursor is a value that points to a specific location in a collection of resources.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Provides information on a single ledger.

See Ledger Details

Parameters:sequence (Union[int, str]) – Ledger sequence
Return type:LedgersCallBuilder
Returns:current LedgerCallBuilder instance

Sets limit parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:limit (int) – Number of records the server should return.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder

Sets order parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

Parameters:desc (bool) – Sort direction, True to get desc sort direction, the default setting is True.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Creates an EventSource that listens for incoming messages from the server.

See Horizon Response Format

See MDN EventSource

Return type:Union[AsyncGenerator[Dict[str, Any], None], Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, it will return Generator, If it is called asynchronously, it will return AsyncGenerator.
Raise:StreamClientError - Failed to fetch stream resource.


class stellar_sdk.call_builder.OffersCallBuilder(horizon_url, client)[source]

Creates a new OffersCallBuilder pointed to server defined by horizon_url. Do not create this object directly, use stellar_sdk.server.Server.offers().

See Offer Details See Offers


Returns all offers where the given account is the seller.

See Offers for Account

Parameters:account_id – Account ID
Returns:this OffersCallBuilder instance

Triggers a HTTP request using this builder’s current configuration.

Return type:Union[Dict[str, Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, Dict[str, Any]]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, the response will be returned. If it is called asynchronously, it will return Coroutine.
ConnectionError: if you have not successfully connected to the server.
NotFoundError: if status_code == 404
BadRequestError: if 400 <= status_code < 500 and status_code != 404
BadResponseError: if 500 <= status_code < 600
UnknownRequestError: if an unknown error occurs, please submit an issue

Sets cursor parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:cursor (Union) – A cursor is a value that points to a specific location in a collection of resources.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Returns all offers buying an asset.

People on the Stellar network can make offers to buy or sell assets. This endpoint represents all the current offers, allowing filtering by seller, selling_asset or buying_asset.

See Offers

Parameters:buying (Asset) – The asset being bought.
Returns:this OffersCallBuilder instance

Returns all offers where the given account is the seller.

People on the Stellar network can make offers to buy or sell assets. This endpoint represents all the current offers, allowing filtering by seller, selling_asset or buying_asset.

See Offers

Parameters:seller (str) – Account ID of the offer creator
Returns:this OffersCallBuilder instance

Returns all offers selling an asset.

People on the Stellar network can make offers to buy or sell assets. This endpoint represents all the current offers, allowing filtering by seller, selling_asset or buying_asset.

See Offers

Parameters:selling (Asset) – The asset being sold.
Returns:this OffersCallBuilder instance

Sets limit parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:limit (int) – Number of records the server should return.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder

Returns information and links relating to a single offer.

See Offer Details

Parameters:offer_id (Union[str, int]) – Offer ID.
Returns:this OffersCallBuilder instance

Sets order parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

Parameters:desc (bool) – Sort direction, True to get desc sort direction, the default setting is True.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Creates an EventSource that listens for incoming messages from the server.

See Horizon Response Format

See MDN EventSource

Return type:Union[AsyncGenerator[Dict[str, Any], None], Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, it will return Generator, If it is called asynchronously, it will return AsyncGenerator.
Raise:StreamClientError - Failed to fetch stream resource.


class stellar_sdk.call_builder.OperationsCallBuilder(horizon_url, client)[source]

Creates a new OperationsCallBuilder pointed to server defined by horizon_url. Do not create this object directly, use stellar_sdk.server.Server.operations().

See All Operations


Triggers a HTTP request using this builder’s current configuration.

Return type:Union[Dict[str, Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, Dict[str, Any]]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, the response will be returned. If it is called asynchronously, it will return Coroutine.
ConnectionError: if you have not successfully connected to the server.
NotFoundError: if status_code == 404
BadRequestError: if 400 <= status_code < 500 and status_code != 404
BadResponseError: if 500 <= status_code < 600
UnknownRequestError: if an unknown error occurs, please submit an issue

Sets cursor parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:cursor (Union) – A cursor is a value that points to a specific location in a collection of resources.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

This endpoint represents all operations that were included in valid transactions that affected a particular account.

See Operations for Account

Parameters:account_id (str) – Account ID
Return type:OperationsCallBuilder
Returns:this OperationCallBuilder instance

This endpoint returns all operations that occurred in a given ledger.

See Operations for Ledger

Parameters:sequence (Union[int, str]) – Sequence ID
Return type:OperationsCallBuilder
Returns:this OperationCallBuilder instance

This endpoint represents all operations that are part of a given transaction.

See Operations for Transaction

Parameters:transaction_hash (str) –
Return type:OperationsCallBuilder
Returns:this OperationCallBuilder instance

Adds a parameter defining whether to include failed transactions. By default only operations of successful transactions are returned.

Parameters:include_failed (bool) – Set to True to include operations of failed transactions.
Return type:OperationsCallBuilder
Returns:current OperationsCallBuilder instance

join represents join param in queries, currently only supports transactions

Parameters:join (str) – join represents join param in queries, currently only supports transactions
Return type:OperationsCallBuilder
Returns:current OperationsCallBuilder instance

Sets limit parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:limit (int) – Number of records the server should return.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder

The operation details endpoint provides information on a single operation. The operation ID provided in the id argument specifies which operation to load.

See Operation Details

Parameters:operation_id (Union[int, str]) – Operation ID
Return type:OperationsCallBuilder
Returns:this OperationCallBuilder instance

Sets order parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

Parameters:desc (bool) – Sort direction, True to get desc sort direction, the default setting is True.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Creates an EventSource that listens for incoming messages from the server.

See Horizon Response Format

See MDN EventSource

Return type:Union[AsyncGenerator[Dict[str, Any], None], Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, it will return Generator, If it is called asynchronously, it will return AsyncGenerator.
Raise:StreamClientError - Failed to fetch stream resource.


class stellar_sdk.call_builder.OrderbookCallBuilder(horizon_url, client, selling, buying)[source]

Creates a new OrderbookCallBuilder pointed to server defined by horizon_url. Do not create this object directly, use stellar_sdk.server.Server.orderbook().

See Orderbook Details


Triggers a HTTP request using this builder’s current configuration.

Return type:Union[Dict[str, Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, Dict[str, Any]]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, the response will be returned. If it is called asynchronously, it will return Coroutine.
ConnectionError: if you have not successfully connected to the server.
NotFoundError: if status_code == 404
BadRequestError: if 400 <= status_code < 500 and status_code != 404
BadResponseError: if 500 <= status_code < 600
UnknownRequestError: if an unknown error occurs, please submit an issue

Sets cursor parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:cursor (Union) – A cursor is a value that points to a specific location in a collection of resources.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Sets limit parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:limit (int) – Number of records the server should return.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder

Sets order parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

Parameters:desc (bool) – Sort direction, True to get desc sort direction, the default setting is True.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Creates an EventSource that listens for incoming messages from the server.

See Horizon Response Format

See MDN EventSource

Return type:Union[AsyncGenerator[Dict[str, Any], None], Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, it will return Generator, If it is called asynchronously, it will return AsyncGenerator.
Raise:StreamClientError - Failed to fetch stream resource.


class stellar_sdk.call_builder.PathsCallBuilder(horizon_url, client, source_account, destination_account, destination_asset, destination_amount)[source]

Creates a new PathsCallBuilder pointed to server defined by horizon_url. Do not create this object directly, use stellar_sdk.server.Server.paths().

The Stellar Network allows payments to be made across assets through path payments. A path payment specifies a series of assets to route a payment through, from source asset (the asset debited from the payer) to destination asset (the asset credited to the payee).

See Find Payment Paths

  • horizon_url (str) – Horizon server URL.
  • client (Union[BaseAsyncClient, BaseSyncClient]) – The client instance used to send request.
  • source_account (str) – The sender’s account ID. Any returned path must use a source that the sender can hold.
  • destination_account (str) – The destination account ID that any returned path should use.
  • destination_asset (Asset) – The destination asset.
  • destination_amount (str) – The amount, denominated in the destination asset, that any returned path should be able to satisfy.

Triggers a HTTP request using this builder’s current configuration.

Return type:Union[Dict[str, Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, Dict[str, Any]]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, the response will be returned. If it is called asynchronously, it will return Coroutine.
ConnectionError: if you have not successfully connected to the server.
NotFoundError: if status_code == 404
BadRequestError: if 400 <= status_code < 500 and status_code != 404
BadResponseError: if 500 <= status_code < 600
UnknownRequestError: if an unknown error occurs, please submit an issue

Sets cursor parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:cursor (Union) – A cursor is a value that points to a specific location in a collection of resources.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Sets limit parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:limit (int) – Number of records the server should return.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder

Sets order parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

Parameters:desc (bool) – Sort direction, True to get desc sort direction, the default setting is True.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Creates an EventSource that listens for incoming messages from the server.

See Horizon Response Format

See MDN EventSource

Return type:Union[AsyncGenerator[Dict[str, Any], None], Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, it will return Generator, If it is called asynchronously, it will return AsyncGenerator.
Raise:StreamClientError - Failed to fetch stream resource.


class stellar_sdk.call_builder.PaymentsCallBuilder(horizon_url, client)[source]

Creates a new PaymentsCallBuilder pointed to server defined by horizon_url. Do not create this object directly, use stellar_sdk.server.Server.payments().

See All Payments


Triggers a HTTP request using this builder’s current configuration.

Return type:Union[Dict[str, Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, Dict[str, Any]]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, the response will be returned. If it is called asynchronously, it will return Coroutine.
ConnectionError: if you have not successfully connected to the server.
NotFoundError: if status_code == 404
BadRequestError: if 400 <= status_code < 500 and status_code != 404
BadResponseError: if 500 <= status_code < 600
UnknownRequestError: if an unknown error occurs, please submit an issue

Sets cursor parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:cursor (Union) – A cursor is a value that points to a specific location in a collection of resources.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

This endpoint responds with a collection of Payment operations where the given account was either the sender or receiver.

See Payments for Account

Parameters:account_id (str) – Account ID
Return type:PaymentsCallBuilder
Returns:current PaymentsCallBuilder instance

This endpoint represents all payment operations that are part of a valid transactions in a given ledger.

See Payments for Ledger

Parameters:sequence (Union[int, str]) – Ledger sequence
Return type:PaymentsCallBuilder
Returns:current PaymentsCallBuilder instance

This endpoint represents all payment operations that are part of a given transaction.

See Payments for Transaction

Parameters:transaction_hash (str) – Transaction hash
Return type:PaymentsCallBuilder
Returns:current PaymentsCallBuilder instance

Adds a parameter defining whether to include failed transactions. By default only payments of successful transactions are returned.

Parameters:include_failed (bool) – Set to True to include payments of failed transactions.
Return type:PaymentsCallBuilder
Returns:current PaymentsCallBuilder instance

Sets limit parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:limit (int) – Number of records the server should return.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder

Sets order parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

Parameters:desc (bool) – Sort direction, True to get desc sort direction, the default setting is True.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Creates an EventSource that listens for incoming messages from the server.

See Horizon Response Format

See MDN EventSource

Return type:Union[AsyncGenerator[Dict[str, Any], None], Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, it will return Generator, If it is called asynchronously, it will return AsyncGenerator.
Raise:StreamClientError - Failed to fetch stream resource.


class stellar_sdk.call_builder.RootCallBuilder(horizon_url, client)[source]

Creates a new RootCallBuilder pointed to server defined by horizon_url. Do not create this object directly, use stellar_sdk.server.Server.root().


Triggers a HTTP request using this builder’s current configuration.

Return type:Union[Dict[str, Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, Dict[str, Any]]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, the response will be returned. If it is called asynchronously, it will return Coroutine.
ConnectionError: if you have not successfully connected to the server.
NotFoundError: if status_code == 404
BadRequestError: if 400 <= status_code < 500 and status_code != 404
BadResponseError: if 500 <= status_code < 600
UnknownRequestError: if an unknown error occurs, please submit an issue

Sets cursor parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:cursor (Union) – A cursor is a value that points to a specific location in a collection of resources.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Sets limit parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:limit (int) – Number of records the server should return.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder

Sets order parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

Parameters:desc (bool) – Sort direction, True to get desc sort direction, the default setting is True.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Creates an EventSource that listens for incoming messages from the server.

See Horizon Response Format

See MDN EventSource

Return type:Union[AsyncGenerator[Dict[str, Any], None], Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, it will return Generator, If it is called asynchronously, it will return AsyncGenerator.
Raise:StreamClientError - Failed to fetch stream resource.


class stellar_sdk.call_builder.StrictReceivePathsCallBuilder(horizon_url, client, source, destination_asset, destination_amount)[source]

Creates a new StrictReceivePathsCallBuilder pointed to server defined by horizon_url. Do not create this object directly, use stellar_sdk.server.Server.strict_receive_paths().

The Stellar Network allows payments to be made across assets through path payments. A path payment specifies a series of assets to route a payment through, from source asset (the asset debited from the payer) to destination asset (the asset credited to the payee).

A path search is specified using:

  • The source address or source assets.
  • The asset and amount that the destination account should receive.

As part of the search, horizon will load a list of assets available to the source address and will find any payment paths from those source assets to the desired destination asset. The search’s amount parameter will be used to determine if there a given path can satisfy a payment of the desired amount.

If a list of assets is passed as the source, horizon will find any payment paths from those source assets to the desired destination asset.

See Find Payment Paths

  • horizon_url (str) – Horizon server URL.
  • client (Union[BaseAsyncClient, BaseSyncClient]) – The client instance used to send request.
  • source (Union[str, List[Asset]]) – The sender’s account ID or a list of Assets. Any returned path must use a source that the sender can hold.
  • destination_asset (Asset) – The destination asset.
  • destination_amount (str) – The amount, denominated in the destination asset, that any returned path should be able to satisfy.

Triggers a HTTP request using this builder’s current configuration.

Return type:Union[Dict[str, Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, Dict[str, Any]]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, the response will be returned. If it is called asynchronously, it will return Coroutine.
ConnectionError: if you have not successfully connected to the server.
NotFoundError: if status_code == 404
BadRequestError: if 400 <= status_code < 500 and status_code != 404
BadResponseError: if 500 <= status_code < 600
UnknownRequestError: if an unknown error occurs, please submit an issue

Sets cursor parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:cursor (Union) – A cursor is a value that points to a specific location in a collection of resources.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Sets limit parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:limit (int) – Number of records the server should return.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder

Sets order parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

Parameters:desc (bool) – Sort direction, True to get desc sort direction, the default setting is True.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Creates an EventSource that listens for incoming messages from the server.

See Horizon Response Format

See MDN EventSource

Return type:Union[AsyncGenerator[Dict[str, Any], None], Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, it will return Generator, If it is called asynchronously, it will return AsyncGenerator.
Raise:StreamClientError - Failed to fetch stream resource.


class stellar_sdk.call_builder.StrictSendPathsCallBuilder(horizon_url, client, source_asset, source_amount, destination)[source]

Creates a new StrictSendPathsCallBuilder pointed to server defined by horizon_url. Do not create this object directly, use stellar_sdk.server.Server.strict_send_paths().

The Stellar Network allows payments to be made across assets through path payments. A strict send path payment specifies a series of assets to route a payment through, from source asset (the asset debited from the payer) to destination asset (the asset credited to the payee).

A strict send path search is specified using:

  • The source asset
  • The source amount
  • The destination assets or destination account.

As part of the search, horizon will load a list of assets available to the source address and will find any payment paths from those source assets to the desired destination asset. The search’s source_amount parameter will be used to determine if there a given path can satisfy a payment of the desired amount.

See Find Payment Paths

  • horizon_url (str) – Horizon server URL.
  • client (Union[BaseAsyncClient, BaseSyncClient]) – The client instance used to send request.
  • source_asset (Asset) – The asset to be sent.
  • source_amount (str) – The amount, denominated in the source asset, that any returned path should be able to satisfy.
  • destination (Union[str, List[Asset]]) – The destination account or the destination assets.

Triggers a HTTP request using this builder’s current configuration.

Return type:Union[Dict[str, Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, Dict[str, Any]]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, the response will be returned. If it is called asynchronously, it will return Coroutine.
ConnectionError: if you have not successfully connected to the server.
NotFoundError: if status_code == 404
BadRequestError: if 400 <= status_code < 500 and status_code != 404
BadResponseError: if 500 <= status_code < 600
UnknownRequestError: if an unknown error occurs, please submit an issue

Sets cursor parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:cursor (Union) – A cursor is a value that points to a specific location in a collection of resources.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Sets limit parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:limit (int) – Number of records the server should return.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder

Sets order parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

Parameters:desc (bool) – Sort direction, True to get desc sort direction, the default setting is True.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Creates an EventSource that listens for incoming messages from the server.

See Horizon Response Format

See MDN EventSource

Return type:Union[AsyncGenerator[Dict[str, Any], None], Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, it will return Generator, If it is called asynchronously, it will return AsyncGenerator.
Raise:StreamClientError - Failed to fetch stream resource.


class stellar_sdk.call_builder.TradeAggregationsCallBuilder(horizon_url, client, base, counter, resolution, start_time=None, end_time=None, offset=None)[source]

Creates a new TradeAggregationsCallBuilder pointed to server defined by horizon_url. Do not create this object directly, use stellar_sdk.server.Server.trade_aggregations().

Trade Aggregations facilitate efficient gathering of historical trade data.

See Trade Aggregations

  • horizon_url (str) – Horizon server URL.
  • client (Union[BaseAsyncClient, BaseSyncClient]) – The client instance used to send request.
  • base (Asset) – base asset
  • counter (Asset) – counter asset
  • resolution (int) – segment duration as millis since epoch. Supported values are 1 minute (60000), 5 minutes (300000), 15 minutes (900000), 1 hour (3600000), 1 day (86400000) and 1 week (604800000).
  • start_time (Optional[int]) – lower time boundary represented as millis since epoch
  • end_time (Optional[int]) – upper time boundary represented as millis since epoch
  • offset (Optional[int]) – segments can be offset using this parameter. Expressed in milliseconds. Can only be used if the resolution is greater than 1 hour. Value must be in whole hours, less than the provided resolution, and less than 24 hours.

Triggers a HTTP request using this builder’s current configuration.

Return type:Union[Dict[str, Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, Dict[str, Any]]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, the response will be returned. If it is called asynchronously, it will return Coroutine.
ConnectionError: if you have not successfully connected to the server.
NotFoundError: if status_code == 404
BadRequestError: if 400 <= status_code < 500 and status_code != 404
BadResponseError: if 500 <= status_code < 600
UnknownRequestError: if an unknown error occurs, please submit an issue

Sets cursor parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:cursor (Union) – A cursor is a value that points to a specific location in a collection of resources.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Sets limit parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:limit (int) – Number of records the server should return.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder

Sets order parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

Parameters:desc (bool) – Sort direction, True to get desc sort direction, the default setting is True.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Creates an EventSource that listens for incoming messages from the server.

See Horizon Response Format

See MDN EventSource

Return type:Union[AsyncGenerator[Dict[str, Any], None], Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, it will return Generator, If it is called asynchronously, it will return AsyncGenerator.
Raise:StreamClientError - Failed to fetch stream resource.


class stellar_sdk.call_builder.TradesCallBuilder(horizon_url, client)[source]

Creates a new TradesCallBuilder pointed to server defined by horizon_url. Do not create this object directly, use stellar_sdk.server.Server.trades().

See Trades


Triggers a HTTP request using this builder’s current configuration.

Return type:Union[Dict[str, Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, Dict[str, Any]]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, the response will be returned. If it is called asynchronously, it will return Coroutine.
ConnectionError: if you have not successfully connected to the server.
NotFoundError: if status_code == 404
BadRequestError: if 400 <= status_code < 500 and status_code != 404
BadResponseError: if 500 <= status_code < 600
UnknownRequestError: if an unknown error occurs, please submit an issue

Sets cursor parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:cursor (Union) – A cursor is a value that points to a specific location in a collection of resources.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Filter trades for a specific account

See Trades for Account

Parameters:account_id (str) – account id
Return type:TradesCallBuilder
Returns:current TradesCallBuilder instance
for_asset_pair(base, counter)[source]

Filter trades for a specific asset pair (orderbook)

  • base (Asset) – base asset
  • counter (Asset) – counter asset
Return type:



current TradesCallBuilder instance


Filter trades for a specific offer

See Trades for Offer

Parameters:offer_id (Union[int, str]) – offer id
Return type:TradesCallBuilder
Returns:current TradesCallBuilder instance

Sets limit parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:limit (int) – Number of records the server should return.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder

Sets order parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

Parameters:desc (bool) – Sort direction, True to get desc sort direction, the default setting is True.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Creates an EventSource that listens for incoming messages from the server.

See Horizon Response Format

See MDN EventSource

Return type:Union[AsyncGenerator[Dict[str, Any], None], Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, it will return Generator, If it is called asynchronously, it will return AsyncGenerator.
Raise:StreamClientError - Failed to fetch stream resource.


class stellar_sdk.call_builder.TransactionsCallBuilder(horizon_url, client)[source]

Creates a new TransactionsCallBuilder pointed to server defined by horizon_url. Do not create this object directly, use stellar_sdk.server.Server.transactions().

See All Transactions


Triggers a HTTP request using this builder’s current configuration.

Return type:Union[Dict[str, Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, Dict[str, Any]]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, the response will be returned. If it is called asynchronously, it will return Coroutine.
ConnectionError: if you have not successfully connected to the server.
NotFoundError: if status_code == 404
BadRequestError: if 400 <= status_code < 500 and status_code != 404
BadResponseError: if 500 <= status_code < 600
UnknownRequestError: if an unknown error occurs, please submit an issue

Sets cursor parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:cursor (Union) – A cursor is a value that points to a specific location in a collection of resources.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

This endpoint represents all transactions that affected a given account.

See Transactions for Account

Parameters:account_id (str) – account id
Return type:TransactionsCallBuilder
Returns:current TransactionsCallBuilder instance

This endpoint represents all transactions in a given ledger.

See Transactions for Ledger

Parameters:sequence (Union[str, int]) – ledger sequence
Return type:TransactionsCallBuilder
Returns:current TransactionsCallBuilder instance

Adds a parameter defining whether to include failed transactions. By default only transactions of successful transactions are returned.

Parameters:include_failed (bool) – Set to True to include failed transactions.
Return type:TransactionsCallBuilder
Returns:current TransactionsCallBuilder instance

Sets limit parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

See Paging

Parameters:limit (int) – Number of records the server should return.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder

Sets order parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.

Parameters:desc (bool) – Sort direction, True to get desc sort direction, the default setting is True.
Return type:BaseCallBuilder
Returns:current CallBuilder instance

Creates an EventSource that listens for incoming messages from the server.

See Horizon Response Format

See MDN EventSource

Return type:Union[AsyncGenerator[Dict[str, Any], None], Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]]
Returns:If it is called synchronous, it will return Generator, If it is called asynchronously, it will return AsyncGenerator.
Raise:StreamClientError - Failed to fetch stream resource.

The transaction details endpoint provides information on a single transaction. The transaction hash provided in the hash argument specifies which transaction to load.

See Transaction Details

Parameters:transaction_hash (str) – transaction hash
Return type:TransactionsCallBuilder
Returns:current TransactionsCallBuilder instance



class stellar_sdk.client.base_async_client.BaseAsyncClient[source]

This is an abstract class, and if you want to implement your own asynchronous client, you must implement this class.

get(url, params=None)[source]

Perform HTTP GET request.

Return type:



the response from server



post(url, data)[source]

Perform HTTP POST request.

  • url (str) – the request url
  • data (Dict[str, str]) – the data send to server
Return type:



the response from server



stream(url, params=None)[source]

Creates an EventSource that listens for incoming messages from the server.

See Horizon Response Format

See MDN EventSource

Return type:

AsyncGenerator[Dict[str, Any], None]


a dict AsyncGenerator for server response




class stellar_sdk.client.base_sync_client.BaseSyncClient[source]

This is an abstract class, and if you want to implement your own synchronous client, you must implement this class.

get(url, params=None)[source]

Perform HTTP GET request.

Return type:



the response from server



post(url, data)[source]

Perform HTTP POST request.

  • url (str) – the request url
  • data (Dict[str, str]) – the data send to server
Return type:



the response from server



stream(url, params=None)[source]

Creates an EventSource that listens for incoming messages from the server.

See Horizon Response Format

See MDN EventSource

Return type:

Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]


a dict Generator for server response




class stellar_sdk.client.aiohttp_client.AiohttpClient(pool_size=None, request_timeout=11, post_timeout=33.0, backoff_factor=0.5, user_agent=None, **kwargs)[source]

The AiohttpClient object is a asynchronous http client, which represents the interface for making requests to a server instance.

  • pool_size (Optional[int]) – persistent connection to Horizon and connection pool
  • request_timeout (float) – the timeout for all GET requests
  • post_timeout (float) – the timeout for all POST requests
  • backoff_factor (Optional[float]) – a backoff factor to apply between attempts after the second try
  • user_agent (Optional[str]) – the server can use it to identify you

Close underlying connector.

Release all acquired resources.

Return type:None
get(url, params=None)[source]

Perform HTTP GET request.

Return type:



the response from server



post(url, data=None)[source]

Perform HTTP POST request.

Return type:



the response from server



stream(url, params=None)[source]

Perform Stream request.

Return type:

AsyncGenerator[Dict[str, Any], None]


the stream response from server


StreamClientError - Failed to fetch stream resource.


class stellar_sdk.client.requests_client.RequestsClient(pool_size=10, num_retries=3, request_timeout=11, post_timeout=33.0, backoff_factor=0.5, session=None, stream_session=None)[source]

The RequestsClient object is a synchronous http client, which represents the interface for making requests to a server instance.

  • pool_size (int) – persistent connection to Horizon and connection pool
  • num_retries (int) – configurable request retry functionality
  • request_timeout (int) – the timeout for all GET requests
  • post_timeout (float) – the timeout for all POST requests
  • backoff_factor (float) – a backoff factor to apply between attempts after the second try
  • session (Optional[Session]) – the request session
  • stream_session (Optional[Session]) – the stream request session

Close underlying connector.

Release all acquired resources.

Return type:None
get(url, params=None)[source]

Perform HTTP GET request.

Return type:



the response from server



post(url, data=None)[source]

Perform HTTP POST request.

Return type:



the response from server



stream(url, params=None)[source]

Creates an EventSource that listens for incoming messages from the server.

See Horizon Response Format

See MDN EventSource

Return type:

Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]


a Generator for server response




class stellar_sdk.client.simple_requests_client.SimpleRequestsClient[source]

The SimpleRequestsClient object is a synchronous http client, which represents the interface for making requests to a server instance.

This client is to guide you in writing a client that suits your needs. I don’t recommend that you actually use it.

get(url, params=None)[source]

Perform HTTP GET request.

Return type:



the response from server



post(url, data)[source]

Perform HTTP POST request.

  • url (str) – the request url
  • data (Dict[str, str]) – the data send to server
Return type:



the response from server



stream(url, params=None)[source]

Not Implemented

Return type:





class stellar_sdk.client.response.Response(status_code, text, headers, url)[source]

The Response object, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.

  • status_code (int) – response status code
  • text (str) – response content
  • headers (dict) – response headers
  • url (str) – request url

convert the content to dict

Return type:dict
Returns:the content from server



class stellar_sdk.exceptions.SdkError[source]

Base exception for all stellar sdk related errors


class stellar_sdk.exceptions.ValueError[source]

exception for all values related errors


class stellar_sdk.exceptions.TypeError[source]

exception for all type related errors


class stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadSignatureError[source]

Raised when the signature was forged or otherwise corrupt.


class stellar_sdk.exceptions.Ed25519PublicKeyInvalidError[source]

Ed25519 public key is incorrect.


class stellar_sdk.exceptions.Ed25519SecretSeedInvalidError[source]

Ed25519 secret seed is incorrect.


class stellar_sdk.exceptions.MissingEd25519SecretSeedError[source]

Missing Ed25519 secret seed in the keypair


class stellar_sdk.exceptions.MemoInvalidException[source]

Memo is incorrect.


class stellar_sdk.exceptions.AssetCodeInvalidError[source]

Asset Code is incorrect.


class stellar_sdk.exceptions.AssetIssuerInvalidError[source]

Asset issuer is incorrect.


class stellar_sdk.exceptions.NoApproximationError[source]

Approximation cannot be found


class stellar_sdk.exceptions.SignatureExistError[source]

A keypair can only sign a transaction once.


class stellar_sdk.exceptions.BaseRequestError[source]

Base class for requests errors.


class stellar_sdk.exceptions.ConnectionError[source]

Base class for client connection errors.


class stellar_sdk.exceptions.BaseHorizonError(response)[source]

Base class for horizon request errors.

Parameters:response (Response) – client response


class stellar_sdk.exceptions.NotFoundError(response)[source]

This exception is thrown when the requested resource does not exist. status_code == 400


class stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadRequestError(response)[source]

The request from the client has an error. 400 <= status_code < 500 and status_code != 404


class stellar_sdk.exceptions.BadResponseError(response)[source]

The response from the server has an error. 500 <= status_code < 600


class stellar_sdk.keypair.Keypair(verify_key, signing_key=None)[source]

The Keypair object, which represents a signing and verifying key for use with the Stellar network.

Instead of instantiating the class directly, we recommend using one of several class methods:

  • verify_key (VerifyKey) – The verifying (public) Ed25519 key in the keypair.
  • signing_key (Optional[SigningKey]) – The signing (private) Ed25519 key in the keypair.

Returns True if this Keypair object contains secret key and can sign.

Return type:bool
Returns:True if this Keypair object contains secret key and can sign
classmethod from_mnemonic_phrase(mnemonic_phrase, passphrase='', index=0)[source]

Generate a Keypair object via a mnemonic phrase.

  • mnemonic_phrase (str) – A unique string used to deterministically generate keypairs.
  • passphrase (str) – An optional passphrase used as part of the salt during PBKDF2 rounds when generating the seed from the mnemonic.
  • index (int) –

    The index of the keypair generated by the mnemonic. This allows for multiple Keypairs to be derived from the same mnemonic, such as:

    >>> from stellar_sdk.keypair import Keypair
    >>> mnemonic = 'update hello cry airport drive chunk elite boat shaft sea describe number'  # Don't use this mnemonic in practice.
    >>> kp1 = Keypair.from_mnemonic_phrase(mnemonic, index=0)
    >>> kp2 = Keypair.from_mnemonic_phrase(mnemonic, index=1)
    >>> kp3 = Keypair.from_mnemonic_phrase(mnemonic, index=2)

A new Keypair instance derived from the mnemonic.

classmethod from_public_key(public_key)[source]

Generate a Keypair object from a public key.

Parameters:public_key (str) – strkey ed25519 public key, for example: GATPGGOIE6VWADVKD3ER3IFO2IH6DTOA5G535ITB3TT66FZFSIZEAU2B
Return type:Keypair
Returns:A new Keypair instance derived by the public key.
Raise:Ed25519PublicKeyInvalidError: if public_key is not a valid ed25519 public key.
classmethod from_raw_ed25519_public_key(raw_public_key)[source]

Generate a Keypair object from ed25519 public key raw bytes.

Parameters:raw_public_key (bytes) – ed25519 public key raw bytes
Return type:Keypair
Returns:A new Keypair instance derived by the ed25519 public key raw bytes
classmethod from_raw_ed25519_seed(raw_seed)[source]

Generate a Keypair object from ed25519 secret key seed raw bytes.

Parameters:raw_seed (bytes) – ed25519 secret key seed raw bytes
Return type:Keypair
Returns:A new Keypair instance derived by the ed25519 secret key seed raw bytes
classmethod from_secret(secret)[source]

Generate a Keypair object from a secret seed.

Parameters:secret (str) – strkey ed25519 seed, for example: SB2LHKBL24ITV2Y346BU46XPEL45BDAFOOJLZ6SESCJZ6V5JMP7D6G5X
Return type:Keypair
Returns:A new Keypair instance derived by the secret.
Raise:Ed25519SecretSeedInvalidError: if secret is not a valid ed25519 secret seed.
static generate_mnemonic_phrase(language=<Language.ENGLISH: 'english'>, strength=128)[source]

Generate a mnemonic phrase.

  • language (Union[Language, str]) – The language of the mnemonic phrase, defaults to english.
  • strength (int) – The complexity of the mnemonic.

A mnemonic phrase.


Returns public key associated with this Keypair instance

Return type:str
Returns:public key
classmethod random()[source]

Generate a Keypair object from a randomly generated seed.

Return type:Keypair
Returns:A new Keypair instance derived by the randomly seed.

Returns raw public key.

Return type:bytes
Returns:raw public key

Returns raw secret key.

Return type:bytes
Returns:raw secret key

Returns secret key associated with this Keypair instance

Return type:str
Returns:secret key
Raise:MissingEd25519SecretSeedError The Keypair does not contain secret seed

Sign the provided data with the keypair’s private key.

Parameters:data (bytes) – The data to sign.
Return type:bytes
Returns:signed bytes
Raise:MissingEd25519SecretSeedError: if Keypair does not contain secret seed.

Sign the provided data with the keypair’s private key and returns DecoratedSignature.

Parameters:data – signed bytes
Return type:DecoratedSignature
Returns:sign decorated

Returns signature hint associated with this Keypair instance

Return type:bytes
Returns:signature hint
verify(data, signature)[source]

Verify the provided data and signature match this keypair’s public key.

  • data (bytes) – The data that was signed.
  • signature (bytes) – The signature.

BadSignatureError: if the verification failed and the signature was incorrect.

Return type:


Return type:PublicKey
Returns:xdr public key



class stellar_sdk.memo.Memo[source]

The Memo object, which represents the base class for memos for use with Stellar transactions.

The memo for a transaction contains optional extra information about the transaction taking place. It is the responsibility of the client to interpret this value.

See the following implementations that serve a more practical use with the library:

  • NoneMemo - No memo.
  • TextMemo - A string encoded using either ASCII or UTF-8, up to 28-bytes long.
  • IdMemo - A 64 bit unsigned integer.
  • HashMemo - A 32 byte hash.
  • RetHashMemo - A 32 byte hash intended to be interpreted as the hash of the transaction the sender is refunding.

See Stellar’s documentation on Transactions for more information on how memos are used within transactions, as well as information on the available types of memos.

static from_xdr_object(xdr_obj)[source]

Returns an Memo object from XDR memo object.

Return type:Memo

Creates an XDR Memo object that represents this Memo.

Return type:Memo


class stellar_sdk.memo.NoneMemo[source]

The NoneMemo, which represents no memo for a transaction.

classmethod from_xdr_object(xdr_obj)[source]

Returns an NoneMemo object from XDR memo object.

Return type:NoneMemo

Creates an XDR Memo object that represents this NoneMemo.

Return type:Memo


class stellar_sdk.memo.TextMemo(text)[source]

The TextMemo, which represents MEMO_TEXT in a transaction.

Parameters:text (str, bytes) – A string encoded using either ASCII or UTF-8, up to 28-bytes long.
Raises:MemoInvalidException: if text is not a valid text memo.
classmethod from_xdr_object(xdr_obj)[source]

Returns an TextMemo object from XDR memo object.

Return type:TextMemo

Creates an XDR Memo object that represents this TextMemo.

Return type:Memo


class stellar_sdk.memo.IdMemo(memo_id)[source]

The IdMemo which represents MEMO_ID in a transaction.

Parameters:memo_id (int) – A 64 bit unsigned integer.
Raises:MemoInvalidException: if id is not a valid id memo.
classmethod from_xdr_object(xdr_obj)[source]

Returns an IdMemo object from XDR memo object.

Return type:IdMemo

Creates an XDR Memo object that represents this IdMemo.

Return type:Memo


class stellar_sdk.memo.HashMemo(memo_hash)[source]

The HashMemo which represents MEMO_HASH in a transaction.

Parameters:memo_hash (Union[bytes, str]) – A 32 byte hash hex encoded string.
Raises:MemoInvalidException: if memo_hash is not a valid hash memo.
classmethod from_xdr_object(xdr_obj)[source]

Returns an HashMemo object from XDR memo object.

Return type:HashMemo

Creates an XDR Memo object that represents this HashMemo.

Return type:Memo


class stellar_sdk.memo.ReturnHashMemo(memo_return)[source]

The ReturnHashMemo which represents MEMO_RETURN in a transaction.

MEMO_RETURN is typically used with refunds/returns over the network - it is a 32 byte hash intended to be interpreted as the hash of the transaction the sender is refunding.

Parameters:memo_return (bytes) – A 32 byte hash or hex encoded string intended to be interpreted as the hash of the transaction the sender is refunding.
Raises:MemoInvalidException: if memo_return is not a valid return hash memo.
classmethod from_xdr_object(xdr_obj)[source]

Returns an ReturnHashMemo object from XDR memo object.

Return type:ReturnHashMemo

Creates an XDR Memo object that represents this ReturnHashMemo.

Return type:Memo


class stellar_sdk.muxed_account.MuxedAccount(account_id, account_id_id=None)[source]

The MuxedAccount object, which represents a multiplexed account on Stellar’s network.

See SEP-0023 for more information.

  • account_id (str) – account id, for example: GDGQVOKHW4VEJRU2TETD6DBRKEO5ERCNF353LW5WBFW3JJWQ2BRQ6KDD
  • account_id_id (Optional[int]) – account multiplexing id, for example: 1234

Get the multiplex address starting with M, return None if account_id_id is None

Return type:Optional[str]
classmethod from_account(account)[source]

Create a MuxedAccount from account id or muxed account id.

Return type:MuxedAccount
classmethod from_xdr_object(muxed_account_xdr_object)[source]

Create a MuxedAccount from an XDR Asset object.

Parameters:muxed_account_xdr_object (MuxedAccount) – The MuxedAccount Price object.
Return type:MuxedAccount
Returns:A new MuxedAccount object from the given XDR MuxedAccount object.

Returns the xdr object for this MuxedAccount object.

Return type:MuxedAccount
Returns:XDR MuxedAccount object


class stellar_sdk.network.Network(network_passphrase)[source]

The Network object, which represents a Stellar network.

This class represents such a stellar network such as the Public network and the Test network.

Parameters:network_passphrase (str) – The passphrase for the network. (ex. ‘Public Global Stellar Network ; September 2015’)
PUBLIC_NETWORK_PASSPHRASE = 'Public Global Stellar Network ; September 2015'

Get the Public network passphrase.

TESTNET_NETWORK_PASSPHRASE = 'Test SDF Network ; September 2015'

Get the Test network passphrase.


Get the network ID of the network, which is an XDR hash of the passphrase.

Return type:bytes
Returns:The network ID of the network.
classmethod public_network()[source]

Get the Network object representing the PUBLIC Network.

Return type:Network
Returns:PUBLIC Network
classmethod testnet_network()[source]

Get the Network object representing the TESTNET Network.

Return type:Network
Returns:TESTNET Network



class stellar_sdk.operation.Operation(source=None)[source]

The Operation object, which represents an operation on Stellar’s network.

An operation is an individual command that mutates Stellar’s ledger. It is typically rolled up into a transaction (a transaction is a list of operations with additional metadata).

Operations are executed on behalf of the source account specified in the transaction, unless there is an override defined for the operation.

For more on operations, see Stellar’s documentation on operations as well as Stellar’s List of Operations, which includes information such as the security necessary for a given operation, as well as information about when validity checks occur on the network.

The Operation class is typically not used, but rather one of its subclasses is typically included in transactions.

Parameters:source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source account for the payment. Defaults to the transaction’s source account.
static from_xdr_amount(value)[source]

Converts an str amount from an XDR amount object

Parameters:value (int) – The amount to convert to a string from an XDR int64 amount.
Return type:str
classmethod from_xdr_object(operation_xdr_object)[source]

Create the appropriate Operation subclass from the XDR object.

Parameters:operation_xdr_object (Operation) – The XDR object to create an Operation (or subclass) instance from.
Return type:Operation
static get_source_from_xdr_obj(xdr_object)[source]

Get the source account from account the operation xdr object.

Parameters:xdr_object (Operation) – the operation xdr object.
Return type:Optional[MuxedAccount]
Returns:The source account from account the operation xdr object.
static to_xdr_amount(value)[source]

Converts an amount to the appropriate value to send over the network as a part of an XDR object.

Each asset amount is encoded as a signed 64-bit integer in the XDR structures. An asset amount unit (that which is seen by end users) is scaled down by a factor of ten million (10,000,000) to arrive at the native 64-bit integer representation. For example, the integer amount value 25,123,456 equals 2.5123456 units of the asset. This scaling allows for seven decimal places of precision in human-friendly amount units.

This static method correctly multiplies the value by the scaling factor in order to come to the integer value used in XDR structures.

See Stellar’s documentation on Asset Precision for more information.

Parameters:value (Union[str, Decimal]) – The amount to convert to an integer for XDR serialization.
Return type:int

Creates an XDR Operation object that represents this Operation.

Return type:Operation


class stellar_sdk.operation.AccountMerge(destination, source=None)[source]

The AccountMerge object, which represents a AccountMerge operation on Stellar’s network.

Transfers the native balance (the amount of XLM an account holds) to another account and removes the source account from the ledger.

Threshold: High

classmethod from_xdr_object(operation_xdr_object)[source]

Creates a AccountMerge object from an XDR Operation object.

Return type:AccountMerge

Creates an XDR Operation object that represents this Operation.

Return type:Operation


class stellar_sdk.operation.AllowTrust(trustor, asset_code, authorize, source=None)[source]

The AllowTrust object, which represents a AllowTrust operation on Stellar’s network.

Updates the authorized flag of an existing trustline. This can only be called by the issuer of a trustline’s asset.

The issuer can only clear the authorized flag if the issuer has the AUTH_REVOCABLE_FLAG set. Otherwise, the issuer can only set the authorized flag.

Threshold: Low

classmethod from_xdr_object(operation_xdr_object)[source]

Creates a AllowTrust object from an XDR Operation object.

Return type:AllowTrust

Creates an XDR Operation object that represents this Operation.

Return type:Operation
class stellar_sdk.operation.allow_trust.TrustLineEntryFlag[source]

Indicates which flags to set. For details about the flags, please refer to the CAP-0018.

  • UNAUTHORIZED_FLAG: The account can not hold a balance but cannot receive payments, send payments, maintain offers, or manage offers
  • AUTHORIZED_FLAG: The account can hold a balance but cannot receive payments, send payments, maintain offers, or manage offers
  • AUTHORIZED_TO_MAINTAIN_LIABILITIES_FLAG: The account can hold a balance, receive payments, send payments, maintain offers, and manage offers


class stellar_sdk.operation.BumpSequence(bump_to, source=None)[source]

The BumpSequence object, which represents a BumpSequence operation on Stellar’s network.

Bump sequence allows to bump forward the sequence number of the source account of the operation, allowing to invalidate any transactions with a smaller sequence number. If the specified bumpTo sequence number is greater than the source account’s sequence number, the account’s sequence number is updated with that value, otherwise it’s not modified.

Threshold: Low

  • bump_to (int) – Sequence number to bump to.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The optional source account.
classmethod from_xdr_object(operation_xdr_object)[source]

Creates a BumpSequence object from an XDR Operation object.

Return type:BumpSequence

Creates an XDR Operation object that represents this Operation.

Return type:Operation


class stellar_sdk.operation.ChangeTrust(asset, limit=None, source=None)[source]

The ChangeTrust object, which represents a ChangeTrust operation on Stellar’s network.

Creates, updates, or deletes a trustline. For more on trustlines, please refer to the assets documentation <https://www.stellar.org/developers/guides/concepts/assets.html>_.

Threshold: Medium

  • asset (Asset) – The asset for the trust line.
  • limit (Union[str, Decimal, None]) – The limit for the asset, defaults to max int64(922337203685.4775807). If the limit is set to “0” it deletes the trustline.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source account (defaults to transaction source).
classmethod from_xdr_object(operation_xdr_object)[source]

Creates a ChangeTrust object from an XDR Operation object.

Return type:ChangeTrust

Creates an XDR Operation object that represents this Operation.

Return type:Operation


class stellar_sdk.operation.CreateAccount(destination, starting_balance, source=None)[source]

The CreateAccount object, which represents a Create Account operation on Stellar’s network.

This operation creates and funds a new account with the specified starting balance.

Threshold: Medium

  • destination (str) – Destination account ID to create an account for.
  • starting_balance (Union[str, Decimal]) – Amount in XLM the account should be funded for. Must be greater than the reserve balance amount.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source account for the payment. Defaults to the transaction’s source account.
classmethod from_xdr_object(operation_xdr_object)[source]

Creates a CreateAccount object from an XDR Operation object.

Return type:CreateAccount

Creates an XDR Operation object that represents this Operation.

Return type:Operation


class stellar_sdk.operation.CreatePassiveSellOffer(selling, buying, amount, price, source=None)[source]

The CreatePassiveSellOffer object, which represents a CreatePassiveSellOffer operation on Stellar’s network.

A passive sell offer is an offer that does not act on and take a reverse offer of equal price. Instead, they only take offers of lesser price. For example, if an offer exists to buy 5 BTC for 30 XLM, and you make a passive sell offer to buy 30 XLM for 5 BTC, your passive sell offer does not take the first offer.

Note that regular offers made later than your passive sell offer can act on and take your passive sell offer, even if the regular offer is of the same price as your passive sell offer.

Passive sell offers allow market makers to have zero spread. If you want to trade EUR for USD at 1:1 price and USD for EUR also at 1:1, you can create two passive sell offers so the two offers don’t immediately act on each other.

Once the passive sell offer is created, you can manage it like any other offer using the manage offer operation - see ManageOffer for more details.

  • selling (Asset) – What you’re selling.
  • buying (Asset) – What you’re buying.
  • amount (Union[str, Decimal]) – The total amount you’re selling. If 0, deletes the offer.
  • price (Union[Price, str, Decimal]) – Price of 1 unit of selling in terms of buying.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source account (defaults to transaction source).
classmethod from_xdr_object(operation_xdr_object)[source]

Creates a CreatePassiveSellOffer object from an XDR Operation object.

Return type:CreatePassiveSellOffer

Creates an XDR Operation object that represents this Operation.

Return type:Operation


class stellar_sdk.operation.Inflation(source=None)[source]

The Inflation object, which represents a Inflation operation on Stellar’s network.

This operation runs inflation.

Threshold: Low

Parameters:source (str) – The source account (defaults to transaction source).
classmethod from_xdr_object(operation_xdr_object)[source]

Creates a Inflation object from an XDR Operation object.

Return type:Inflation

Creates an XDR Operation object that represents this Operation.

Return type:Operation


class stellar_sdk.operation.ManageBuyOffer(selling, buying, amount, price, offer_id=0, source=None)[source]

The ManageBuyOffer object, which represents a ManageBuyOffer operation on Stellar’s network.

Creates, updates, or deletes an buy offer.

If you want to create a new offer set Offer ID to 0.

If you want to update an existing offer set Offer ID to existing offer ID.

If you want to delete an existing offer set Offer ID to existing offer ID and set Amount to 0.

Threshold: Medium

  • selling (Asset) – What you’re selling.
  • buying (Asset) – What you’re buying.
  • amount (Union[str, Decimal]) – Amount being bought. if set to 0, delete the offer.
  • price (Union[Price, str, Decimal]) – Price of thing being bought in terms of what you are selling.
  • offer_id (int) – If 0, will create a new offer (default). Otherwise, edits an existing offer.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source account (defaults to transaction source).
classmethod from_xdr_object(operation_xdr_object)[source]

Creates a ManageBuyOffer object from an XDR Operation object.

Return type:ManageBuyOffer

Creates an XDR Operation object that represents this Operation.

Return type:Operation


class stellar_sdk.operation.ManageData(data_name, data_value, source=None)[source]

The ManageData object, which represents a ManageData operation on Stellar’s network.

Allows you to set, modify or delete a Data Entry (name/value pair) that is attached to a particular account. An account can have an arbitrary amount of DataEntries attached to it. Each DataEntry increases the minimum balance needed to be held by the account.

DataEntries can be used for application specific things. They are not used by the core Stellar protocol.

Threshold: Medium

  • data_name (str) – The name of the data entry.
  • data_value (Union[str, bytes, None]) – The value of the data entry.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The optional source account.
classmethod from_xdr_object(operation_xdr_object)[source]

Creates a ManageData object from an XDR Operation object.

Return type:ManageData

Creates an XDR Operation object that represents this Operation.

Return type:Operation


class stellar_sdk.operation.ManageSellOffer(selling, buying, amount, price, offer_id=0, source=None)[source]

The ManageSellOffer object, which represents a ManageSellOffer operation on Stellar’s network.

Creates, updates, or deletes an sell offer.

If you want to create a new offer set Offer ID to 0.

If you want to update an existing offer set Offer ID to existing offer ID.

If you want to delete an existing offer set Offer ID to existing offer ID and set Amount to 0.

Threshold: Medium

  • selling (Asset) – What you’re selling.
  • buying (Asset) – What you’re buying.
  • amount (Union[str, Decimal]) – The total amount you’re selling. If 0, deletes the offer.
  • price (Union[Price, str, Decimal]) – Price of 1 unit of selling in terms of buying.
  • offer_id (int) – If 0, will create a new offer (default). Otherwise, edits an existing offer.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source account (defaults to transaction source).
classmethod from_xdr_object(operation_xdr_object)[source]

Creates a ManageSellOffer object from an XDR Operation object.

Return type:ManageSellOffer

Creates an XDR Operation object that represents this Operation.

Return type:Operation


class stellar_sdk.operation.PathPayment(destination, send_asset, send_max, dest_asset, dest_amount, path, source=None)[source]

The PathPayment object, which represents a PathPayment operation on Stellar’s network.

Sends an amount in a specific asset to a destination account through a path of offers. This allows the asset sent (e.g. 450 XLM) to be different from the asset received (e.g. 6 BTC).

Threshold: Medium

  • destination (Union[MuxedAccount, str]) – The destination account to send to.
  • send_asset (Asset) – The asset to pay with.
  • send_max (Union[str, Decimal]) – The maximum amount of send_asset to send.
  • dest_asset (Asset) – The asset the destination will receive.
  • dest_amount (Union[str, Decimal]) – The amount the destination receives.
  • path (List[Asset]) – A list of Asset objects to use as the path.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source account for the payment. Defaults to the transaction’s source account.
classmethod from_xdr_object(operation_xdr_object)

Creates a PathPaymentStrictReceive object from an XDR Operation object.

Return type:PathPaymentStrictReceive

Creates an XDR Operation object that represents this Operation.

Return type:Operation


class stellar_sdk.operation.PathPaymentStrictReceive(destination, send_asset, send_max, dest_asset, dest_amount, path, source=None)[source]

The PathPaymentStrictReceive object, which represents a PathPaymentStrictReceive operation on Stellar’s network.

Sends an amount in a specific asset to a destination account through a path of offers. This allows the asset sent (e.g. 450 XLM) to be different from the asset received (e.g. 6 BTC).

Threshold: Medium

  • destination (Union[MuxedAccount, str]) – The destination account to send to.
  • send_asset (Asset) – The asset to pay with.
  • send_max (Union[str, Decimal]) – The maximum amount of send_asset to send.
  • dest_asset (Asset) – The asset the destination will receive.
  • dest_amount (Union[str, Decimal]) – The amount the destination receives.
  • path (List[Asset]) – A list of Asset objects to use as the path.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source account for the payment. Defaults to the transaction’s source account.
classmethod from_xdr_object(operation_xdr_object)[source]

Creates a PathPaymentStrictReceive object from an XDR Operation object.

Return type:PathPaymentStrictReceive

Creates an XDR Operation object that represents this Operation.

Return type:Operation


class stellar_sdk.operation.PathPaymentStrictSend(destination, send_asset, send_amount, dest_asset, dest_min, path, source=None)[source]

The PathPaymentStrictSend object, which represents a PathPaymentStrictSend operation on Stellar’s network.

Sends an amount in a specific asset to a destination account through a path of offers. This allows the asset sent (e.g, 450 XLM) to be different from the asset received (e.g, 6 BTC).

Threshold: Medium

  • destination (Union[MuxedAccount, str]) – The destination account to send to.
  • send_asset (Asset) – The asset to pay with.
  • send_amount (Union[str, Decimal]) – Amount of send_asset to send.
  • dest_asset (Asset) – The asset the destination will receive.
  • dest_min (Union[str, Decimal]) – The minimum amount of dest_asset to be received.
  • path (List[Asset]) – A list of Asset objects to use as the path.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source account for the payment. Defaults to the transaction’s source account.
classmethod from_xdr_object(operation_xdr_object)[source]

Creates a PathPaymentStrictSend object from an XDR Operation object.

Return type:PathPaymentStrictSend

Creates an XDR Operation object that represents this Operation.

Return type:Operation


class stellar_sdk.operation.Payment(destination, asset, amount, source=None)[source]

The Payment object, which represents a Payment operation on Stellar’s network.

Sends an amount in a specific asset to a destination account.

Threshold: Medium

classmethod from_xdr_object(operation_xdr_object)[source]

Creates a Payment object from an XDR Operation object.

Return type:Payment

Creates an XDR Operation object that represents this Operation.

Return type:Operation


class stellar_sdk.operation.SetOptions(inflation_dest=None, clear_flags=None, set_flags=None, master_weight=None, low_threshold=None, med_threshold=None, high_threshold=None, signer=None, home_domain=None, source=None)[source]

The SetOptions object, which represents a SetOptions operation on Stellar’s network.

This operation sets the options for an account.

For more information on the signing options, please refer to the multi-sig doc.

When updating signers or other thresholds, the threshold of this operation is high.

Threshold: Medium or High

  • inflation_dest (Optional[str]) – Account of the inflation destination.
  • clear_flags (Union[int, Flag, None]) – Indicates which flags to clear. For details about the flags, please refer to the accounts doc. The bit mask integer subtracts from the existing flags of the account. This allows for setting specific bits without knowledge of existing flags, you can also use stellar_sdk.operation.set_options.Flag - AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED = 1 - AUTHORIZATION_REVOCABLE = 2 - AUTHORIZATION_IMMUTABLE = 4
  • set_flags (Union[int, Flag, None]) –

    Indicates which flags to set. For details about the flags, please refer to the accounts doc. The bit mask integer adds onto the existing flags of the account. This allows for setting specific bits without knowledge of existing flags, you can also use stellar_sdk.operation.set_options.Flag - AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED = 1 - AUTHORIZATION_REVOCABLE = 2 - AUTHORIZATION_IMMUTABLE = 4

  • master_weight (Optional[int]) – A number from 0-255 (inclusive) representing the weight of the master key. If the weight of the master key is updated to 0, it is effectively disabled.
  • low_threshold (Optional[int]) – A number from 0-255 (inclusive) representing the threshold this account sets on all operations it performs that have a low threshold.
  • med_threshold (Optional[int]) – A number from 0-255 (inclusive) representing the threshold this account sets on all operations it performs that have a medium threshold.
  • high_threshold (Optional[int]) – A number from 0-255 (inclusive) representing the threshold this account sets on all operations it performs that have a high threshold.
  • home_domain (Optional[str]) – sets the home domain used for reverse federation lookup.
  • signer (Optional[Signer]) – Add, update, or remove a signer from the account.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source account (defaults to transaction source).
classmethod from_xdr_object(operation_xdr_object)[source]

Creates a SetOptions object from an XDR Operation object.

Return type:SetOptions

Creates an XDR Operation object that represents this Operation.

Return type:Operation
class stellar_sdk.operation.set_options.Flag[source]

Indicates which flags to set. For details about the flags, please refer to the accounts doc. The bit mask integer adds onto the existing flags of the account.


class stellar_sdk.price.Price(n, d)[source]

Create a new price. Price in Stellar is represented as a fraction.

  • n (int) – numerator
  • d (int) – denominator
classmethod from_raw_price(price)[source]

Create a Price from the given str price.

Parameters:price (str) – the str price. (ex. ‘0.125’)
Return type:Price
Returns:A new Price object from the given str price.
Raises:NoApproximationError: if the approximation could not not be found.
classmethod from_xdr_object(price_xdr_object)[source]

Create a Price from an XDR Asset object.

Parameters:price_xdr_object (Price) – The XDR Price object.
Return type:Price
Returns:A new Price object from the given XDR Price object.

Returns the xdr object for this price object.

Return type:Price
Returns:XDR Price object


class stellar_sdk.server.Server(horizon_url='https://horizon-testnet.stellar.org/', client=None)[source]

Server handles the network connection to a Horizon instance and exposes an interface for requests to that instance.

Here we need to talk about the client parameter, if you do not specify the client, we will use the stellar_sdk.client.requests_client.RequestsClient instance by default, it is a synchronous HTTPClient, you can also specify an asynchronous HTTP Client, for example: stellar_sdk.client.aiohttp_client.AiohttpClient. If you use a synchronous client, then all requests are synchronous. If you use an asynchronous client, then all requests are asynchronous. The choice is in your hands.


TypeError: if the client does not meet the standard.

Return type:AccountsCallBuilder
Returns:New stellar_sdk.call_builder.AccountsCallBuilder object configured by a current Horizon server configuration.
Return type:AssetsCallBuilder
Returns:New stellar_sdk.call_builder.AssetsCallBuilder object configured by a current Horizon server configuration.

Close underlying connector.

Release all acquired resources.

Return type:Optional[Coroutine[Any, Any, None]]
data(account_id, data_name)[source]
Returns:New stellar_sdk.call_builder.DataCallBuilder object configured by a current Horizon server configuration.
Return type:EffectsCallBuilder
Returns:New stellar_sdk.call_builder.EffectsCallBuilder object configured by a current Horizon server configuration.
Return type:FeeStatsCallBuilder
Returns:New stellar_sdk.call_builder.FeeStatsCallBuilder object configured by a current Horizon server configuration.

Fetch the base fee. Since this hits the server, if the server call fails, you might get an error. You should be prepared to use a default value if that happens.

Return type:Union[int, Coroutine[Any, Any, int]]
Returns:the base fee
Raises:ConnectionError NotFoundError BadRequestError BadResponseError UnknownRequestError
Return type:LedgersCallBuilder
Returns:New stellar_sdk.call_builder.LedgersCallBuilder object configured by a current Horizon server configuration.

Fetches an account’s most current state in the ledger and then creates and returns an stellar_sdk.account.Account object.

Parameters:account_id (Union[MuxedAccount, Keypair, str]) – The account to load.
Return type:Union[Account, Coroutine[Any, Any, Account]]
Returns:an stellar_sdk.account.Account object.
Raises:ConnectionError NotFoundError BadRequestError BadResponseError UnknownRequestError
Return type:OffersCallBuilder
Returns:New stellar_sdk.call_builder.OffersCallBuilder object configured by a current Horizon server configuration.
Return type:OperationsCallBuilder
Returns:New stellar_sdk.call_builder.OperationsCallBuilder object configured by a current Horizon server configuration.
orderbook(selling, buying)[source]
  • selling (Asset) – Asset being sold
  • buying (Asset) – Asset being bought
Return type:



New stellar_sdk.call_builder.OrderbookCallBuilder object configured by a current Horizon server configuration.

paths(source_account, destination_account, destination_asset, destination_amount)[source]
  • source_account (str) – The sender’s account ID. Any returned path must use a source that the sender can hold.
  • destination_account (str) – The destination account ID that any returned path should use.
  • destination_asset (Asset) – The destination asset.
  • destination_amount (str) – The amount, denominated in the destination asset, that any returned path should be able to satisfy.
Return type:



New stellar_sdk.call_builder.PathsCallBuilder object configured by a current Horizon server configuration.

Return type:PaymentsCallBuilder
Returns:New stellar_sdk.call_builder.PaymentsCallBuilder object configured by a current Horizon server configuration.
Return type:RootCallBuilder
Returns:New stellar_sdk.call_builder.RootCallBuilder object configured by a current Horizon server configuration.
strict_receive_paths(source, destination_asset, destination_amount)[source]
  • source (Union[str, List[Asset]]) – The sender’s account ID or a list of Assets. Any returned path must use a source that the sender can hold.
  • destination_asset (Asset) – The destination asset.
  • destination_amount (str) – The amount, denominated in the destination asset, that any returned path should be able to satisfy.

New stellar_sdk.call_builder.StrictReceivePathsCallBuilder object configured by a current Horizon server configuration.

strict_send_paths(source_asset, source_amount, destination)[source]
  • source_asset (Asset) – The asset to be sent.
  • source_amount (str) – The amount, denominated in the source asset, that any returned path should be able to satisfy.
  • destination (Union[str, List[Asset]]) – The destination account or the destination assets.

New stellar_sdk.call_builder.StrictReceivePathsCallBuilder object configured by a current Horizon server configuration.

submit_transaction(transaction_envelope, skip_memo_required_check=False)[source]

Submits a transaction to the network.

Parameters:transaction_envelope (Union[TransactionEnvelope, FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope, str]) – stellar_sdk.transaction_envelope.TransactionEnvelope object or base64 encoded xdr
Return type:Union[Dict[str, Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, Dict[str, Any]]]
Returns:the response from horizon
Raises:ConnectionError NotFoundError BadRequestError BadResponseError UnknownRequestError AccountRequiresMemoError
trade_aggregations(base, counter, resolution, start_time=None, end_time=None, offset=None)[source]
  • base (Asset) – base asset
  • counter (Asset) – counter asset
  • resolution (int) – segment duration as millis since epoch. Supported values are 1 minute (60000), 5 minutes (300000), 15 minutes (900000), 1 hour (3600000), 1 day (86400000) and 1 week (604800000).
  • start_time (Optional[int]) – lower time boundary represented as millis since epoch
  • end_time (Optional[int]) – upper time boundary represented as millis since epoch
  • offset (Optional[int]) – segments can be offset using this parameter. Expressed in milliseconds. Can only be used if the resolution is greater than 1 hour. Value must be in whole hours, less than the provided resolution, and less than 24 hours.
Return type:



New stellar_sdk.call_builder.TradeAggregationsCallBuilder object configured by a current Horizon server configuration.

Return type:TradesCallBuilder
Returns:New stellar_sdk.call_builder.TradesCallBuilder object configured by a current Horizon server configuration.
Return type:TransactionsCallBuilder
Returns:New stellar_sdk.call_builder.TransactionsCallBuilder object configured by a current Horizon server configuration.


class stellar_sdk.signer.Signer(signer_key, weight)[source]

The Signer object, which represents an account signer on Stellar’s network.

  • signer_key (SignerKey) – The XDR signer object
  • weight
classmethod ed25519_public_key(account_id, weight)[source]

Create ED25519 PUBLIC KEY Signer from account id.

  • account_id (str) – account id
  • weight (int) – The weight of the signer (0 to delete or 1-255)
Return type:



ED25519 PUBLIC KEY Signer


Ed25519PublicKeyInvalidError: if account_id is not a valid ed25519 public key.

classmethod from_xdr_object(signer_xdr_object)[source]

Create a Signer from an XDR TimeBounds object.

Parameters:signer_xdr_object (Signer) – The XDR Signer object.
Return type:Signer
Returns:A new Signer object from the given XDR Signer object.
classmethod pre_auth_tx(pre_auth_tx_hash, weight)[source]

Create Pre AUTH TX Signer from the sha256 hash of a transaction, click here for more information.

  • pre_auth_tx_hash (bytes) – The sha256 hash of a transaction.
  • weight (int) – The weight of the signer (0 to delete or 1-255)
Return type:



Pre AUTH TX Signer

classmethod sha256_hash(sha256_hash, weight)[source]

Create SHA256 HASH Signer from a sha256 hash of a preimage, click here for more information.

  • sha256_hash (bytes) – a sha256 hash of a preimage
  • weight (int) – The weight of the signer (0 to delete or 1-255)
Return type:



SHA256 HASH Signer


Returns the xdr object for this Signer object.

Return type:Signer
Returns:XDR Signer object


class stellar_sdk.time_bounds.TimeBounds(min_time, max_time)[source]

TimeBounds represents the time interval that a transaction is valid.

The UNIX timestamp (in seconds), determined by ledger time, of a lower and upper bound of when this transaction will be valid. If a transaction is submitted too early or too late, it will fail to make it into the transaction set. max_time equal 0 means that it’s not set.

See Stellar’s documentation on Transactions for more information on how TimeBounds are used within transactions.

  • min_time (int) – the UNIX timestamp (in seconds)
  • max_time (int) – the UNIX timestamp (in seconds)

ValueError: if max_time less than min_time.

classmethod from_xdr_object(time_bounds_xdr_object)[source]

Create a TimeBounds from an XDR TimeBounds object.

Parameters:time_bounds_xdr_object (TimeBounds) – The XDR TimeBounds object.
Return type:TimeBounds
Returns:A new TimeBounds object from the given XDR TimeBounds object.

Returns the xdr object for this TimeBounds object.

Return type:TimeBounds
Returns:XDR TimeBounds object


class stellar_sdk.transaction.Transaction(source, sequence, fee, operations, memo=None, time_bounds=None, v1=False)[source]

The Transaction object, which represents a transaction(Transaction or TransactionV0) on Stellar’s network.

A transaction contains a list of operations, which are all executed in order as one ACID transaction, along with an associated source account, fee, account sequence number, list of signatures, both an optional memo and an optional TimeBounds. Typically a Transaction is placed in a TransactionEnvelope which is then signed before being sent over the network.

For more information on Transactions in Stellar, see Stellar’s guide on transactions.

  • source (Union[Keypair, MuxedAccount, str]) – the source account for the transaction.
  • sequence (int) – The sequence number for the transaction.
  • fee (int) – The fee amount for the transaction, which should equal FEE (currently 100 stroops) multiplied by the number of operations in the transaction. See Stellar’s latest documentation on fees for more information.
  • operations (List[Operation]) – A list of operations objects (typically its subclasses as defined in stellar_sdk.operation.Operation.
  • time_bounds (Optional[TimeBounds]) – The timebounds for the validity of this transaction.
  • memo (Optional[Memo]) – The memo being sent with the transaction, being represented as one of the subclasses of the Memo object.
  • v1 (bool) – Temporary feature flag to allow alpha testing of Stellar Protocol 13 transactions. We will remove this once all transactions are supposed to be v1. See CAP-0015 for more information.
classmethod from_xdr(xdr, v1=False)[source]

Create a new Transaction from an XDR string.

  • xdr (str) – The XDR string that represents a transaction.
  • v1 (bool) –

    Temporary feature flag to allow alpha testing of Stellar Protocol 13 transactions. We will remove this once all transactions are supposed to be v1. See CAP-0015 for more information.

Return type:



A new Transaction object from the given XDR Transaction base64 string object.

classmethod from_xdr_object(tx_xdr_object, v1=False)[source]

Create a new Transaction from an XDR object.

  • tx_xdr_object (Union[Transaction, TransactionV0]) – The XDR object that represents a transaction.
  • v1 (bool) –

    Temporary feature flag to allow alpha testing of Stellar Protocol 13 transactions. We will remove this once all transactions are supposed to be v1. See CAP-0015 for more information.

Return type:



A new Transaction object from the given XDR Transaction object.


Get an XDR object representation of this Transaction.

Return type:Union[Transaction, TransactionV0]
Returns:XDR Transaction object


class stellar_sdk.transaction_envelope.TransactionEnvelope(transaction, network_passphrase, signatures=None)[source]

The TransactionEnvelope object, which represents a transaction envelope ready to sign and submit to send over the network.

When a transaction is ready to be prepared for sending over the network, it must be put into a TransactionEnvelope, which includes additional metadata such as the signers for a given transaction. Ultimately, this class handles signing and conversion to and from XDR for usage on Stellar’s network.

  • transaction (Transaction) – The transaction that is encapsulated in this envelope.
  • signatures (list) – which contains a list of signatures that have already been created.
  • network_passphrase (str) – The network to connect to for verifying and retrieving additional attributes from.
classmethod from_xdr(xdr, network_passphrase)

Create a new BaseTransactionEnvelope from an XDR string.

  • xdr (str) – The XDR string that represents a transaction envelope.
  • network_passphrase (str) – which network this transaction envelope is associated with.
Return type:



A new BaseTransactionEnvelope object from the given XDR TransactionEnvelope base64 string object.

classmethod from_xdr_object(te_xdr_object, network_passphrase)[source]

Create a new TransactionEnvelope from an XDR object.

  • te_xdr_object (TransactionEnvelope) – The XDR object that represents a transaction envelope.
  • network_passphrase (str) – The network to connect to for verifying and retrieving additional attributes from.
Return type:



A new TransactionEnvelope object from the given XDR TransactionEnvelope object.


Get the XDR Hash of the signature base.

This hash is ultimately what is signed before transactions are sent over the network. See signature_base() for more details about this process.

Return type:bytes
Returns:The XDR Hash of this transaction envelope’s signature base.

Return a hex encoded hash for this transaction envelope.

Return type:str
Returns:A hex encoded hash for this transaction envelope.

Sign this transaction envelope with a given keypair.

Note that the signature must not already be in this instance’s list of signatures.

Parameters:signer (Union[Keypair, str]) – The keypair or secret to use for signing this transaction envelope.
Raise:SignatureExistError: if this signature already exists.
Return type:None

Sign this transaction envelope with a Hash(x) signature.

See Stellar’s documentation on Multi-Sig for more details on Hash(x) signatures.

Parameters:preimage (bytes) – 32 byte hash or hex encoded string , the “x” value to be hashed and used as a signature.
Return type:None

Get the signature base of this transaction envelope.

Return the “signature base” of this transaction, which is the value that, when hashed, should be signed to create a signature that validators on the Stellar Network will accept.

It is composed of a 4 prefix bytes followed by the xdr-encoded form of this transaction.

Return type:bytes
Returns:The signature base of this transaction envelope.

Get the base64 encoded XDR string representing this BaseTransactionEnvelope.

Return type:str
Returns:XDR TransactionEnvelope base64 string object

Get an XDR object representation of this TransactionEnvelope.

Return type:TransactionEnvelope
Returns:XDR TransactionEnvelope object


class stellar_sdk.fee_bump_transaction.FeeBumpTransaction(fee_source, base_fee, inner_transaction_envelope)[source]

The FeeBumpTransaction object, which represents a fee bump transaction on Stellar’s network.

See CAP-0015 for more information.

  • fee_source (Union[Keypair, MuxedAccount, str]) – The account paying for the transaction.
  • base_fee (int) – The max fee willing to pay per operation in inner transaction (in stroops).
  • inner_transaction_envelope (TransactionEnvelope) – The TransactionEnvelope to be bumped by the fee bump transaction.
classmethod from_xdr(xdr, network_passphrase)[source]

Create a new FeeBumpTransaction from an XDR string.

  • xdr (str) – The XDR string that represents a transaction.
  • network_passphrase (str) – The network to connect to for verifying and retrieving additional attributes from.
Return type:



A new FeeBumpTransaction object from the given XDR FeeBumpTransaction base64 string object.

classmethod from_xdr_object(tx_xdr_object, network_passphrase)[source]

Create a new FeeBumpTransaction from an XDR object.

  • tx_xdr_object (FeeBumpTransaction) – The XDR object that represents a fee bump transaction.
  • network_passphrase (str) – The network to connect to for verifying and retrieving additional attributes from.
Return type:



A new FeeBumpTransaction object from the given XDR Transaction object.


Get an XDR object representation of this FeeBumpTransaction.

Return type:FeeBumpTransaction
Returns:XDR Transaction object


class stellar_sdk.fee_bump_transaction_envelope.FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope(transaction, network_passphrase, signatures=None)[source]

The FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope object, which represents a transaction envelope ready to sign and submit to send over the network.

When a transaction is ready to be prepared for sending over the network, it must be put into a FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope, which includes additional metadata such as the signers for a given transaction. Ultimately, this class handles signing and conversion to and from XDR for usage on Stellar’s network.

  • transaction (FeeBumpTransaction) – The fee bump transaction that is encapsulated in this envelope.
  • signatures (list) – which contains a list of signatures that have already been created.
  • network_passphrase (str) – The network to connect to for verifying and retrieving additional attributes from.
classmethod from_xdr(xdr, network_passphrase)

Create a new BaseTransactionEnvelope from an XDR string.

  • xdr (str) – The XDR string that represents a transaction envelope.
  • network_passphrase (str) – which network this transaction envelope is associated with.
Return type:



A new BaseTransactionEnvelope object from the given XDR TransactionEnvelope base64 string object.

classmethod from_xdr_object(te_xdr_object, network_passphrase)[source]

Create a new FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope from an XDR object.

  • te_xdr_object (TransactionEnvelope) – The XDR object that represents a fee bump transaction envelope.
  • network_passphrase (str) – The network to connect to for verifying and retrieving additional attributes from.
Return type:



A new FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope object from the given XDR TransactionEnvelope object.


Get the XDR Hash of the signature base.

This hash is ultimately what is signed before transactions are sent over the network. See signature_base() for more details about this process.

Return type:bytes
Returns:The XDR Hash of this transaction envelope’s signature base.

Return a hex encoded hash for this transaction envelope.

Return type:str
Returns:A hex encoded hash for this transaction envelope.

Sign this transaction envelope with a given keypair.

Note that the signature must not already be in this instance’s list of signatures.

Parameters:signer (Union[Keypair, str]) – The keypair or secret to use for signing this transaction envelope.
Raise:SignatureExistError: if this signature already exists.
Return type:None

Sign this transaction envelope with a Hash(x) signature.

See Stellar’s documentation on Multi-Sig for more details on Hash(x) signatures.

Parameters:preimage (bytes) – 32 byte hash or hex encoded string , the “x” value to be hashed and used as a signature.
Return type:None

Get the signature base of this transaction envelope.

Return the “signature base” of this transaction, which is the value that, when hashed, should be signed to create a signature that validators on the Stellar Network will accept.

It is composed of a 4 prefix bytes followed by the xdr-encoded form of this transaction.

Return type:bytes
Returns:The signature base of this transaction envelope.

Get the base64 encoded XDR string representing this BaseTransactionEnvelope.

Return type:str
Returns:XDR TransactionEnvelope base64 string object

Get an XDR object representation of this TransactionEnvelope.

Return type:TransactionEnvelope
Returns:XDR TransactionEnvelope object


class stellar_sdk.transaction_builder.TransactionBuilder(source_account, network_passphrase='Test SDF Network ; September 2015', base_fee=100, v1=False)[source]

Transaction builder helps constructs a new TransactionEnvelope using the given Account as the transaction’s “source account”. The transaction will use the current sequence number of the given account as its sequence number and increment the given account’s sequence number by one. The given source account must include a private key for signing the transaction or an error will be thrown.

Be careful about unsubmitted transactions! When you build a transaction, stellar-sdk automatically increments the source account’s sequence number. If you end up not submitting this transaction and submitting another one instead, it’ll fail due to the sequence number being wrong. So if you decide not to use a built transaction, make sure to update the source account’s sequence number with stellar_sdk.Server.load_account() before creating another transaction.

  • source_account (Account) – The source account for this transaction.
  • network_passphrase (str) – The network to connect to for verifying and retrieving additional attributes from. Defaults to Test SDF Network ; September 2015.
  • base_fee (int) – Base fee in stroops. The network base fee is obtained by default from the latest ledger. Transaction fee is equal to base fee times number of operations in this transaction.
  • v1 (bool) –

    Temporary feature flag to allow alpha testing of Stellar Protocol 13 transactions. We will remove this once all transactions are supposed to be v1. See CAP-0015 for more information.


Set the memo for the transaction to a new HashMemo.

Parameters:memo_hash (Union[bytes, str]) – A 32 byte hash or hex encoded string to use as the memo.
Return type:TransactionBuilder
Returns:This builder instance.
Raises:MemoInvalidException: if memo_hash is not a valid hash memo.

Set the memo for the transaction to a new IdMemo.

Parameters:memo_id (int) – A 64 bit unsigned integer to set as the memo.
Return type:TransactionBuilder
Returns:This builder instance.
Raises:MemoInvalidException: if memo_id is not a valid id memo.

Set the memo for the transaction build by this Builder.

Parameters:memo (Memo) – A memo to add to this transaction.
Return type:TransactionBuilder
Returns:This builder instance.

Set the memo for the transaction to a new RetHashMemo.

Parameters:memo_return (Union[bytes, str]) – A 32 byte hash or hex encoded string intended to be interpreted as the hash of the transaction the sender is refunding.
Return type:TransactionBuilder
Returns:This builder instance.
Raises:MemoInvalidException: if memo_return is not a valid return hash memo.

Set the memo for the transaction to a new TextMemo.

Parameters:memo_text (Union[str, bytes]) – The text for the memo to add.
Return type:TransactionBuilder
Returns:This builder instance.
Raises:MemoInvalidException: if memo_text is not a valid text memo.
add_time_bounds(min_time, max_time)[source]

Add a time bound to this transaction.

Add a UNIX timestamp, determined by ledger time, of a lower and upper bound of when this transaction will be valid. If a transaction is submitted too early or too late, it will fail to make it into the transaction set. maxTime equal 0 means that it’s not set.

  • min_time (int) – the UNIX timestamp (in seconds)
  • max_time (int) – the UNIX timestamp (in seconds)
Return type:



This builder instance.

append_account_merge_op(destination, source=None)[source]

Append a AccountMerge operation to the list of operations.

  • destination (Union[MuxedAccount, str]) – The ID of the offer. 0 for new offer. Set to existing offer ID to update or delete.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source address that is being merged into the destination account.
Return type:



This builder instance.

append_allow_trust_op(trustor, asset_code, authorize, source=None)[source]

Append an AllowTrust operation to the list of operations.

  • trustor (str) – The account of the recipient of the trustline.
  • asset_code (str) – The asset of the trustline the source account is authorizing. For example, if an anchor wants to allow another account to hold its USD credit, the type is USD:anchor.
  • authorize (Union[TrustLineEntryFlag, bool]) – True to authorize the line, False to deauthorize,if you need further control, you can also use stellar_sdk.operation.allow_trust.TrustLineEntryFlag.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source address that is establishing the trust in the allow trust operation.
Return type:



This builder instance.

append_bump_sequence_op(bump_to, source=None)[source]

Append a BumpSequence operation to the list of operations.

  • bump_to (int) – Sequence number to bump to.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source address that is running the inflation operation.
Return type:



This builder instance.

append_change_trust_op(asset_code, asset_issuer, limit=None, source=None)[source]

Append a ChangeTrust operation to the list of operations.

  • asset_issuer (str) – The issuer address for the asset.
  • asset_code (str) – The asset code for the asset.
  • limit (Union[str, Decimal, None]) – The limit of the new trustline.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source address to add the trustline to.
Return type:



This builder instance.

append_create_account_op(destination, starting_balance, source=None)[source]

Append a CreateAccount operation to the list of operations.

  • destination (str) – Account address that is created and funded.
  • starting_balance (Union[str, Decimal]) – Amount of XLM to send to the newly created account. This XLM comes from the source account.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source address to deduct funds from to fund the new account.
Return type:



This builder instance.

append_create_passive_sell_offer_op(selling_code, selling_issuer, buying_code, buying_issuer, amount, price, source=None)[source]

Append a CreatePassiveSellOffer operation to the list of operations.

  • selling_code (str) – The asset code for the asset the offer creator is selling.
  • selling_issuer (Optional[str]) – The issuing address for the asset the offer creator is selling.
  • buying_code (str) – The asset code for the asset the offer creator is buying.
  • buying_issuer (Optional[str]) – The issuing address for the asset the offer creator is buying.
  • amount (Union[str, Decimal]) – Amount of the asset being sold. Set to 0 if you want to delete an existing offer.
  • price (Union[str, Price, Decimal]) – Price of 1 unit of selling in terms of buying.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source address that is creating a passive offer on Stellar’s distributed exchange.
Return type:



This builder instance.

append_ed25519_public_key_signer(account_id, weight, source=None)[source]

Add a ed25519 public key signer to an account.

Add a ed25519 public key signer to an account via a SetOptions <stellar_sdk.operation.SetOptions operation. This is a helper function for append_set_options_op().

  • account_id (str) – The account id of the new ed25519_public_key signer.
  • weight (int) – The weight of the new signer.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source account that is adding a signer to its list of signers.
Return type:



This builder instance.

append_hashx_signer(sha256_hash, weight, source=None)[source]

Add a sha256 hash(HashX) signer to an account.

Add a HashX signer to an account via a SetOptions <stellar_sdk.operation.SetOptions operation. This is a helper function for append_set_options_op().

  • sha256_hash ([<class 'bytes'>, <class 'str'>]) – The address of the new sha256 hash(hashX) signer, a 32 byte hash or hex encoded string.
  • weight (int) – The weight of the new signer.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source account that is adding a signer to its list of signers.
Return type:



This builder instance.


Append a Inflation operation to the list of operations.

Parameters:source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source address that is running the inflation operation.
Return type:TransactionBuilder
Returns:This builder instance.
append_manage_buy_offer_op(selling_code, selling_issuer, buying_code, buying_issuer, amount, price, offer_id=0, source=None)[source]

Append a ManageBuyOffer operation to the list of operations.

  • selling_code (str) – The asset code for the asset the offer creator is selling.
  • selling_issuer (Optional[str]) – The issuing address for the asset the offer creator is selling.
  • buying_code (str) – The asset code for the asset the offer creator is buying.
  • buying_issuer (Optional[str]) – The issuing address for the asset the offer creator is buying.
  • amount (Union[str, Decimal]) – Amount being bought. if set to. Set to 0 if you want to delete an existing offer.
  • price (Union[str, Decimal, Price]) – Price of thing being bought in terms of what you are selling.
  • offer_id (int) – The ID of the offer. 0 for new offer. Set to existing offer ID to update or delete.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source address that is managing a buying offer on Stellar’s distributed exchange.
Return type:



This builder instance.

append_manage_data_op(data_name, data_value, source=None)[source]

Append a ManageData operation to the list of operations.

  • data_name (str) – String up to 64 bytes long. If this is a new Name it will add the given name/value pair to the account. If this Name is already present then the associated value will be modified.
  • data_value (Union[str, bytes, None]) – If not present then the existing Name will be deleted. If present then this value will be set in the DataEntry. Up to 64 bytes long.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source account on which data is being managed. operation.
Return type:



This builder instance.

append_manage_sell_offer_op(selling_code, selling_issuer, buying_code, buying_issuer, amount, price, offer_id=0, source=None)[source]

Append a ManageSellOffer operation to the list of operations.

  • selling_code (str) – The asset code for the asset the offer creator is selling.
  • selling_issuer (Optional[str]) – The issuing address for the asset the offer creator is selling.
  • buying_code (str) – The asset code for the asset the offer creator is buying.
  • buying_issuer (Optional[str]) – The issuing address for the asset the offer creator is buying.
  • amount (Union[str, Decimal]) – Amount of the asset being sold. Set to 0 if you want to delete an existing offer.
  • price (Union[str, Price, Decimal]) – Price of 1 unit of selling in terms of buying.
  • offer_id (int) – The ID of the offer. 0 for new offer. Set to existing offer ID to update or delete.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source address that is managing an offer on Stellar’s distributed exchange.
Return type:



This builder instance.


Add an operation to the builder instance

Parameters:operation (Operation) – an operation
Return type:TransactionBuilder
Returns:This builder instance.
append_path_payment_op(destination, send_code, send_issuer, send_max, dest_code, dest_issuer, dest_amount, path, source=None)[source]

Append a PathPayment operation to the list of operations.

  • destination (Union[MuxedAccount, str]) – The destination address (Account ID) for the payment.
  • send_code (str) – The asset code for the source asset deducted from the source account.
  • send_issuer (Optional[str]) – The address of the issuer of the source asset.
  • send_max (Union[str, Decimal]) – The maximum amount of send asset to deduct (excluding fees).
  • dest_code (str) – The asset code for the final destination asset sent to the recipient.
  • dest_issuer (Optional[str]) – Account address that receives the payment.
  • dest_amount (Union[str, Decimal]) – The amount of destination asset the destination account receives.
  • path (List[Asset]) – A list of Asset objects to use as the path.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source address of the path payment.
Return type:



This builder instance.

append_path_payment_strict_receive_op(destination, send_code, send_issuer, send_max, dest_code, dest_issuer, dest_amount, path, source=None)[source]

Append a PathPaymentStrictReceive operation to the list of operations.

  • destination (Union[MuxedAccount, str]) – The destination address (Account ID) for the payment.
  • send_code (str) – The asset code for the source asset deducted from the source account.
  • send_issuer (Optional[str]) – The address of the issuer of the source asset.
  • send_max (Union[str, Decimal]) – The maximum amount of send asset to deduct (excluding fees).
  • dest_code (str) – The asset code for the final destination asset sent to the recipient.
  • dest_issuer (Optional[str]) – Account address that receives the payment.
  • dest_amount (Union[str, Decimal]) – The amount of destination asset the destination account receives.
  • path (List[Asset]) – A list of Asset objects to use as the path.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source address of the path payment.
Return type:



This builder instance.

append_path_payment_strict_send_op(destination, send_code, send_issuer, send_amount, dest_code, dest_issuer, dest_min, path, source=None)[source]

Append a PathPaymentStrictSend operation to the list of operations.

  • destination (Union[MuxedAccount, str]) – The destination address (Account ID) for the payment.
  • send_code (str) – The asset code for the source asset deducted from the source account.
  • send_issuer (Optional[str]) – The address of the issuer of the source asset.
  • send_amount (Union[str, Decimal]) – Amount of send_asset to send.
  • dest_code (str) – The asset code for the final destination asset sent to the recipient.
  • dest_issuer (Optional[str]) – Account address that receives the payment.
  • dest_min (Union[str, Decimal]) – The minimum amount of dest_asset to be received.
  • path (List[Asset]) – A list of Asset objects to use as the path.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source address of the path payment.
Return type:



This builder instance.

append_payment_op(destination, amount, asset_code='XLM', asset_issuer=None, source=None)[source]

Append a Payment operation to the list of operations.

  • destination (Union[MuxedAccount, str]) – Account address that receives the payment.
  • amount (Union[str, Decimal]) – The amount of the currency to send in the payment.
  • asset_code (str) – The asset code for the asset to send.
  • asset_issuer (Optional[str]) – The address of the issuer of the asset.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source address of the payment.
Return type:



This builder instance.

append_pre_auth_tx_signer(pre_auth_tx_hash, weight, source=None)[source]

Add a PreAuthTx signer to an account.

Add a PreAuthTx signer to an account via a SetOptions <stellar_sdk.operation.SetOptions operation. This is a helper function for append_set_options_op().

  • pre_auth_tx_hash (bytes) – The address of the new preAuthTx signer - obtained by calling hash on the TransactionEnvelope, a 32 byte hash or hex encoded string.
  • weight (int) – The weight of the new signer.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source account that is adding a signer to its list of signers.
Return type:



This builder instance.

append_set_options_op(inflation_dest=None, clear_flags=None, set_flags=None, master_weight=None, low_threshold=None, med_threshold=None, high_threshold=None, home_domain=None, signer=None, source=None)[source]

Append a SetOptions operation to the list of operations.

  • inflation_dest (Optional[str]) – Account of the inflation destination.
  • clear_flags (Union[int, Flag, None]) –

    Indicates which flags to clear. For details about the flags, please refer to the accounts doc. The bit mask integer subtracts from the existing flags of the account. This allows for setting specific bits without knowledge of existing flags, you can also use stellar_sdk.operation.set_options.Flag - AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED = 1 - AUTHORIZATION_REVOCABLE = 2 - AUTHORIZATION_IMMUTABLE = 4

  • set_flags (Union[int, Flag, None]) – Indicates which flags to set. For details about the flags, please refer to the accounts doc. The bit mask integer adds onto the existing flags of the account. This allows for setting specific bits without knowledge of existing flags, you can also use stellar_sdk.operation.set_options.Flag - AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED = 1 - AUTHORIZATION_REVOCABLE = 2 - AUTHORIZATION_IMMUTABLE = 4
  • master_weight (Optional[int]) – A number from 0-255 (inclusive) representing the weight of the master key. If the weight of the master key is updated to 0, it is effectively disabled.
  • low_threshold (Optional[int]) –

    A number from 0-255 (inclusive) representing the threshold this account sets on all operations it performs that have a low threshold.

  • med_threshold (Optional[int]) –

    A number from 0-255 (inclusive) representing the threshold this account sets on all operations it performs that have a medium threshold.

  • high_threshold (Optional[int]) –

    A number from 0-255 (inclusive) representing the threshold this account sets on all operations it performs that have a high threshold.

  • home_domain (Optional[str]) –

    sets the home domain used for reverse federation lookup.

  • signer (Optional[Signer]) – Add, update, or remove a signer from the account.
  • source (Union[MuxedAccount, str, None]) – The source account (defaults to transaction source).
Return type:



This builder instance.


This will build the transaction envelope. It will also increment the source account’s sequence number by 1.

Return type:TransactionEnvelope
Returns:The transaction envelope.
static build_fee_bump_transaction(fee_source, base_fee, inner_transaction_envelope, network_passphrase='Test SDF Network ; September 2015')[source]

Create a FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope object.

See CAP-0015 for more information.

  • fee_source (Union[MuxedAccount, Keypair, str]) – The account paying for the transaction.
  • base_fee (int) – The max fee willing to pay per operation in inner transaction (in stroops).
  • inner_transaction_envelope (TransactionEnvelope) – The TransactionEnvelope to be bumped by the fee bump transaction.
  • network_passphrase (str) – The network to connect to for verifying and retrieving additional attributes from.

a TransactionBuilder via the XDR object.

static from_xdr(xdr, network_passphrase)[source]

Create a TransactionBuilder or FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope via an XDR object.

In addition, if xdr is not of TransactionEnvelope, it sets the fields of this builder (the transaction envelope, transaction, operations, source, etc.) to all of the fields in the provided XDR transaction envelope, but the signature will not be added to it.

  • xdr (str) – The XDR object representing the transaction envelope to which this builder is setting its state to.
  • network_passphrase (str) – The network to connect to for verifying and retrieving additional attributes from.
Return type:

Union[TransactionBuilder, FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope]


a TransactionBuilder or FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope via the XDR object.


Set timeout for the transaction, actually set a TimeBounds.

Parameters:timeout (int) – timeout in second.
Return type:TransactionBuilder
Returns:This builder instance.
Raises:ValueError: if time_bound is already set.


stellar_sdk.helpers.parse_transaction_envelope_from_xdr(xdr, network_passphrase)[source]
When you are not sure whether your XDR belongs to
TransactionEnvelope or FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope, you can use this helper function.
  • xdr (str) – Transaction envelope XDR
  • network_passphrase (str) – The network to connect to for verifying and retrieving additional attributes from. (ex. ‘Public Global Stellar Network ; September 2015’)

ValueError - XDR is neither TransactionEnvelope nor FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope

Return type:

Union[TransactionEnvelope, FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope]

Stellar Ecosystem Proposals

SEP 0001: stellar.toml

stellar_sdk.sep.stellar_toml.fetch_stellar_toml(domain, client=None, use_http=False)[source]

Retrieve the stellar.toml file from a given domain.

Retrieve the stellar.toml file for information about interacting with Stellar’s federation protocol for a given Stellar Anchor (specified by a domain).

  • domain (str) – The domain the .toml file is hosted at.
  • use_http (bool) – Specifies whether the request should go over plain HTTP vs HTTPS. Note it is recommend that you always use HTTPS.
  • client (Union[BaseAsyncClient, BaseSyncClient, None]) – Http Client used to send the request.
Return type:

Union[Coroutine[Any, Any, Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]]


The stellar.toml file as a an object via toml.loads().


StellarTomlNotFoundError: if the Stellar toml file could not not be found.

SEP 0002: Federation protocol

stellar_sdk.sep.federation.resolve_stellar_address(stellar_address, client=None, federation_url=None, use_http=False)[source]

Get the federation record if the user was found for a given Stellar address.

  • stellar_address (str) – address Stellar address (ex. bob*stellar.org).
  • client (Union[BaseAsyncClient, BaseSyncClient, None]) – Http Client used to send the request.
  • federation_url (Optional[str]) – The federation server URL (ex. https://stellar.org/federation), if you don’t set this value, we will try to get it from stellar_address.
  • use_http (bool) – Specifies whether the request should go over plain HTTP vs HTTPS. Note it is recommend that you always use HTTPS.
Return type:

Union[Coroutine[Any, Any, FederationRecord], FederationRecord]


Federation record.

stellar_sdk.sep.federation.resolve_account_id(account_id, domain=None, federation_url=None, client=None, use_http=False)[source]

Given an account ID, get their federation record if the user was found

  • domain (Optional[str]) – Get federation_url from the domain, you don’t need to set this value if federation_url is set.
  • federation_url (Optional[str]) – The federation server URL (ex. https://stellar.org/federation).
  • client (Union[BaseAsyncClient, BaseSyncClient, None]) – Http Client used to send the request.
  • use_http (bool) – Specifies whether the request should go over plain HTTP vs HTTPS. Note it is recommend that you always use HTTPS.
Return type:

Union[Coroutine[Any, Any, FederationRecord], FederationRecord]


Federation record.

class stellar_sdk.sep.federation.FederationRecord(account_id, stellar_address, memo_type, memo)[source]

SEP 0005: Key Derivation Methods for Stellar Accounts

class stellar_sdk.sep.mnemonic.StellarMnemonic(language=<Language.ENGLISH: 'english'>)[source]

Please use Keypair.generate_mnemonic_phrase() and Keypair.from_mnemonic_phrase()

class stellar_sdk.sep.mnemonic.Language[source]

The type of language supported by the mnemonic.

CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED = 'chinese_simplified'
CHINESE_TRADITIONAL = 'chinese_traditional'
ENGLISH = 'english'
FRENCH = 'french'
ITALIAN = 'italian'
JAPANESE = 'japanese'
KOREAN = 'korean'
SPANISH = 'spanish'

SEP 0010: Stellar Web Authentication

stellar_sdk.sep.stellar_web_authentication.build_challenge_transaction(server_secret, client_account_id, anchor_name, network_passphrase, timeout=900)[source]

Returns a valid SEP0010 challenge transaction which you can use for Stellar Web Authentication.

  • server_secret (str) – secret key for server’s signing account.
  • client_account_id (str) – The stellar account that the wallet wishes to authenticate with the server.
  • anchor_name (str) – Anchor’s name to be used in the manage_data key.
  • network_passphrase (str) – The network to connect to for verifying and retrieving additional attributes from. (ex. ‘Public Global Stellar Network ; September 2015’)
  • timeout (int) – Challenge duration in seconds (default to 15 minutes).
Return type:



A base64 encoded string of the raw TransactionEnvelope xdr struct for the transaction.

stellar_sdk.sep.stellar_web_authentication.read_challenge_transaction(challenge_transaction, server_account_id, network_passphrase)[source]

Reads a SEP 10 challenge transaction and returns the decoded transaction envelope and client account ID contained within.

It also verifies that transaction is signed by the server.

It does not verify that the transaction has been signed by the client or that any signatures other than the servers on the transaction are valid. Use one of the following functions to completely verify the transaction:

  • challenge_transaction (str) – SEP0010 transaction challenge transaction in base64.
  • server_account_id (str) – public key for server’s account.
  • network_passphrase (str) – The network to connect to for verifying and retrieving additional attributes from. (ex. ‘Public Global Stellar Network ; September 2015’)

InvalidSep10ChallengeError - if the validation fails, the exception will be thrown.

Return type:

Tuple[TransactionEnvelope, str]

stellar_sdk.sep.stellar_web_authentication.verify_challenge_transaction_threshold(challenge_transaction, server_account_id, network_passphrase, threshold, signers)[source]

Verifies that for a SEP 10 challenge transaction all signatures on the transaction are accounted for and that the signatures meet a threshold on an account. A transaction is verified if it is signed by the server account, and all other signatures match a signer that has been provided as an argument, and those signatures meet a threshold on the account.

  • challenge_transaction (str) – SEP0010 transaction challenge transaction in base64.
  • server_account_id (str) – public key for server’s account.
  • network_passphrase (str) – The network to connect to for verifying and retrieving additional attributes from. (ex. ‘Public Global Stellar Network ; September 2015’)
  • threshold (int) – The medThreshold on the client account.
  • signers (List[Ed25519PublicKeySigner]) – The signers of client account.

InvalidSep10ChallengeError: - The transaction is invalid according to stellar_sdk.sep.stellar_web_authentication.read_challenge_transaction(). - One or more signatures in the transaction are not identifiable as the server account or one of the signers provided in the arguments. - The signatures are all valid but do not meet the threshold.

Return type:


stellar_sdk.sep.stellar_web_authentication.verify_challenge_transaction_signed_by_client_master_key(challenge_transaction, server_account_id, network_passphrase)[source]

An alias for stellar_sdk.sep.stellar_web_authentication.verify_challenge_transaction().

  • challenge_transaction (str) – SEP0010 transaction challenge transaction in base64.
  • server_account_id (str) – public key for server’s account.
  • network_passphrase (str) – The network to connect to for verifying and retrieving additional attributes from. (ex. ‘Public Global Stellar Network ; September 2015’)

InvalidSep10ChallengeError - if the validation fails, the exception will be thrown.

Return type:


stellar_sdk.sep.stellar_web_authentication.verify_challenge_transaction_signers(challenge_transaction, server_account_id, network_passphrase, signers)[source]

Verifies that for a SEP 10 challenge transaction all signatures on the transaction are accounted for. A transaction is verified if it is signed by the server account, and all other signatures match a signer that has been provided as an argument. Additional signers can be provided that do not have a signature, but all signatures must be matched to a signer for verification to succeed. If verification succeeds a list of signers that were found is returned, excluding the server account ID.

  • challenge_transaction (str) – SEP0010 transaction challenge transaction in base64.
  • server_account_id (str) – public key for server’s account.
  • network_passphrase (str) – The network to connect to for verifying and retrieving additional attributes from. (ex. ‘Public Global Stellar Network ; September 2015’)
  • signers (List[Ed25519PublicKeySigner]) – The signers of client account.

InvalidSep10ChallengeError: - The transaction is invalid according to stellar_sdk.sep.stellar_web_authentication.read_challenge_transaction(). - One or more signatures in the transaction are not identifiable as the server account or one of the signers provided in the arguments.

Return type:


stellar_sdk.sep.stellar_web_authentication.verify_challenge_transaction(challenge_transaction, server_account_id, network_passphrase)[source]

Verifies if a transaction is a valid SEP0010 v1.2 challenge transaction, if the validation fails, an exception will be thrown.

This function performs the following checks:

  1. verify that transaction sequenceNumber is equal to zero;
  2. verify that transaction source account is equal to the server’s signing key;
  3. verify that transaction has time bounds set, and that current time is between the minimum and maximum bounds;
  4. verify that transaction contains a single Manage Data operation and it’s source account is not null;
  5. verify that transaction envelope has a correct signature by server’s signing key;
  6. verify that transaction envelope has a correct signature by the operation’s source account;
  • challenge_transaction (str) – SEP0010 transaction challenge transaction in base64.
  • server_account_id (str) – public key for server’s account.
  • network_passphrase (str) – The network to connect to for verifying and retrieving additional attributes from. (ex. ‘Public Global Stellar Network ; September 2015’)

InvalidSep10ChallengeError - if the validation fails, the exception will be thrown.

Return type:



class stellar_sdk.sep.exceptions.StellarTomlNotFoundError[source]

If the SEP 0010 toml file not found, the exception will be thrown.

class stellar_sdk.sep.exceptions.InvalidFederationAddress[source]

If the federation address is invalid, the exception will be thrown.

class stellar_sdk.sep.exceptions.FederationServerNotFoundError[source]

If the federation address is invalid, the exception will be thrown.

class stellar_sdk.sep.exceptions.BadFederationResponseError(response)[source]

If the federation address is invalid, the exception will be thrown.

Parameters:response – client response
class stellar_sdk.sep.exceptions.InvalidSep10ChallengeError[source]

If the SEP 0010 validation fails, the exception will be thrown.

class stellar_sdk.sep.exceptions.AccountRequiresMemoError(message, account_id, operation_index)[source]

AccountRequiresMemoError is raised when a transaction is trying to submit an operation to an account which requires a memo.

This error contains two attributes to help you identify the account requiring the memo and the operation where the account is the destination.

See SEP-0029 for more information.